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Visual Studio gives errors when used with the .NET Standard branch
When I open a project in Visual Studio running with the .NET Standard branch of Rezoom.SQL I get the following error:
The type provider 'Rezoom.SQL.Provider.Provider' reported an error: The type initializer for '<StartupCode$Rezoom-SQL-Compiler>.$Rezoom.SQL.Compiler.Config' threw an exception.
Seems like a VS specific problem: Neither dotnet CLI nor VS Code have a problem with the project.
PS: I'm aware of the fact that this project seems to be a bit abandoned (no offense to you @rkosafo) but I hope a running .NET Standard (#15) version of this library will bring a lot more interest in this project.
It would be great to see this amazing project resurrected
@rspeele What do you think about moving the development to Would you be positive about that? Thanks
I'm not available to maintain this project. If somebody else wants to take over maintenance/development on this project, I'd be thrilled. I have given write access to the contributors but I don't think they are looking to take the whole thing on either.
I still like it and think it's my best work as a developer, but I can't use it at my day job, and my motivation to work on it evenings/weekends was fully exhausted in the months it took to finish it and write documentation for the initial release*. At the time I thought that motivation would return after a short break, but my spare time has been filled with other things and I just don't have room for this.
There's an argument that I should just take a weekend to get the thing ported to .NET Standard, or 5, or whatever it's called now, and at least enable a lot more use of it so this code doesn't just sit around being dead. But I would still not be able to dedicate time to ongoing maintenance, so this would only lead to users being "tricked" into thinking this is a safe dependency to take on.
*In hindsight, that release in 2017 was somewhat unfortunately timed: it was already clear that .NET Framework would not be the way forward, but the sands were still shifting as far as how to do a generative TP on .NET standard.
I've started using the SQL parser part of this project for small experiments at my work, and am a bit familiar with some aspects of that library, although all the parts related to TP, tooling / target platform, are still beyond my comfort zone (FSharp.Data.SqlClient is plagued with related issues).
If that helps a bit, I'd be ok doing surface mainteance, such as triaging issues, reviewing PR, etc, but also can't commit to much free time to dedicate on this.
I've been looking for something in the F# ecosystem that allows me to stay very close to SQL, while continuing to enjoy some safety net instead of a stringly-typed mess that allows me to sneak in bugs whenever even a simple change occurs, like a rename of a column. This type provider seems to do exactly that, while keeping me as close as it gets to the actual details of SQL statements!
I've personally only consumed type providers so far, but I'm interested in helping out with both code as well as project maintenance.
@rspeele Thank you for all your work, and it would be great if we can continue it as a community thing
My recommendation would be to move it into fsprojects - neutral incubation spaces attract maintainers and contributions (e.g. paket etc.). We would continue to make your role in originating it evident in the README and docs.
fsprojects has myself and Sergey Tihon doing oversight. So I think between @smoothdeveloper , @bddckr, @toburger and others we would be able to take it forward.
If you decide to do this I think you can just move the repo in directly and then we patch up permissions
I tried to transfer the repository to fsprojects (settings ->danger zone -> transfer ownership). Problem with that is "You don’t have the permission to create public repositories on fsprojects".
Any progress on the ownership transfer?
@dsyme I don't want to seem pushy, but is there an update on this?
Hi, my apologies for the delay. @rspeele I have invited you to "fsprojects" - once you accept you should be able to transfer in.
Do we have an initial/second maintainer for this repo - that is who should I add as admin once the transfer is made? (in addition to @rspeele)
@kaeedo Pushy in fine in such matters :)