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Initial fails on OSX

Open bohdyone opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments


The initial run of after clone fails with error: Paket failed with -> The NuGet source for package FSharp.Formatting was not found in the paket.dependencies file with sources [NuGetV2 {Url = ""; Authentication = Paket.NetUtils+AuthProviderModule+ofFunction@38;}]

Repro steps

  1. git clone
  2. cd ProjectScaffold
  3. ./

Expected behavior

Initial set-up is successful.

Actual behavior

  shasum: /Users/boggers/Documents/Code/file-transfer/TransferLib/.paket/../paket-files/paket.restore.cached: 
  Paket version 5.203.2
  Extracted Paket.Restore.targets to: /Users/boggers/Documents/Code/file-transfer/TransferLib/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets
  Starting full restore process.
  Downloading Fake.Api.GitHub 5.2 (FakeBuild)
  Downloading Octokit 0.31 (FakeBuild)
  Downloading System.Reactive.Experimental 4.0 (FakeBuild)
  Download of System.Reactive.Experimental 4.0 (FakeBuild) done in 4 seconds. (51 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading System.Reactive.Runtime.Remoting 4.0 (FakeBuild)
  Download of Fake.Api.GitHub 5.2 (FakeBuild) done in 4 seconds. (122 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading Fake.DotNet.AssemblyInfoFile 5.2 (FakeBuild)
  Download of Octokit 0.31 (FakeBuild) done in 4 seconds. (1522 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Download of System.Reactive.Runtime.Remoting 4.0 (FakeBuild) done in 2 seconds. (100 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading System.Reactive.Windows.Forms 4.0 (FakeBuild)
  Download of Fake.DotNet.AssemblyInfoFile 5.2 (FakeBuild) done in 2 seconds. (292 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading Fake.DotNet.FSFormatting 5.2 (FakeBuild)
  Download of System.Reactive.Windows.Forms 4.0 (FakeBuild) done in 2 seconds. (85 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading System.Reactive.Windows.Threading 4.0 (FakeBuild)
  Download of Fake.DotNet.FSFormatting 5.2 (FakeBuild) done in 2 seconds. (139 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading Fake.DotNet.MSBuild 5.2 (FakeBuild)
  Download of System.Reactive.Windows.Threading 4.0 (FakeBuild) done in 2 seconds. (116 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading System.Reactive.WindowsRuntime 4.0 (FakeBuild)
  Download of Fake.DotNet.MSBuild 5.2 (FakeBuild) done in 3 seconds. (305 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading Fake.DotNet.Testing.Expecto 5.2 (FakeBuild)
  Download of System.Reactive.WindowsRuntime 4.0 (FakeBuild) done in 2 seconds. (95 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading System.Reflection.TypeExtensions 4.5 (FakeBuild)
  Download of Fake.DotNet.Testing.Expecto 5.2 (FakeBuild) done in 1 second. (164 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading Fake.Testing.Common 5.2 (FakeBuild)
  Download of Fake.Testing.Common 5.2 (FakeBuild) done in 1 second. (142 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Downloading Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform 6.1.7 (FakeBuild)
  Download of System.Reflection.TypeExtensions 4.5 (FakeBuild) done in 2 seconds. (823 kbit/s, 0 MB)
  Download of Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform 6.1.7 (FakeBuild) done in 3 seconds. (8813 kbit/s, 4 MB)
   - Disk IO: 1 second
   - Average Download Time: 968 milliseconds
   - Number of downloads: 14
   - Average Request Time: 752 milliseconds
   - Number of Requests: 17
   - Runtime: 23 seconds
  Paket failed with
  -> The NuGet source for package FSharp.Formatting was not found in the paket.dependencies file with sources [NuGetV2 {Url = "";
               Authentication = Paket.NetUtils+AuthProviderModule+ofFunction@38;}]
/Users/boggers/Documents/Code/file-transfer/TransferLib/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets(81,5): error MSB3073: The command "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/mono --runtime=v4.0.30319 "/Users/boggers/Documents/Code/file-transfer/TransferLib/.paket/paket.exe" restore" exited with code 1. [/Users/boggers/Documents/Code/file-transfer/TransferLib/build.proj]

Known workarounds

Related information

  • Operating system
    • OSX High Sierra
  • Branch
    • master@fd5cc936fbfded336062997980cf5b4a68eb4619
  • .NET Runtime, CoreCLR or Mono Version
    • Mono JIT compiler version (2017-12/8eb8f7d5e74 Fri Apr 13 20:18:12 EDT 2018)
  • Performance information, links to performance testing scripts

bohdyone avatar May 04 '19 03:05 bohdyone