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Support "Convert from nuget"

Open forki opened this issue 9 years ago • 11 comments

how could we integrate this into the plugin. At this point we don't have paket.dependencies yet.

// @theimowski

forki avatar May 13 '15 07:05 forki

Could probably start with invoking the static member

and see what explodes?

theimowski avatar May 13 '15 08:05 theimowski

Yep I know about that part. I'm more interested in discussing the UX for that when I open a VS solution that uses nuget. Where/how would we start that process?

forki avatar May 13 '15 08:05 forki

I see, how about these areas: image

theimowski avatar May 13 '15 08:05 theimowski

yep that sounds good. @hmemcpy now how can we create such a menu? ;-)

forki avatar May 13 '15 09:05 forki

In general, all menu creation in VS is a matter of adding an entry in the .vsct file, and then finding the correct "parent" magic string to insert it to (using CommandPlacement). There used to be some utilities to dump all commands ids in VS, but I don't know if it works (it was VSCT PowerToy, I think) Anyway, all those magic strings are listed in vsshlids.h...

hmemcpy avatar May 13 '15 11:05 hmemcpy

Wait, that's the long, and unneceserrily complicated explaination :) To put the menu under Tools, all you need to do is to set its command placement into IDM_VS_MENU_TOOLS Here is the full list:

hmemcpy avatar May 13 '15 11:05 hmemcpy

I tried to folow and but I don't get it to compile.

forki avatar May 13 '15 14:05 forki

Where exactly do you want to place this item?

hmemcpy avatar May 13 '15 14:05 hmemcpy

TOOLS/ Paket Dependency Manager/Convert from NuGet !?

forki avatar May 13 '15 14:05 forki

So you want to add a top-level menu under Tools? That shouldn't be a problem... hold on

hmemcpy avatar May 13 '15 14:05 hmemcpy

How about right-clicking on "packages.config" file --> convert to "paket.references" ? (which is what the command is actually doing, no?)

efrainsteinbach avatar Mar 15 '16 15:03 efrainsteinbach