FsReveal copied to clipboard
FsReveal parses markdown and F# script file and generates reveal.js slides.
It seems sometimes the default port is occupied by another webserver. We should discover the next free port and us that one. /cc @jayp33 @haf
Is there a smart way, in md, to specify that you want half of the screen to show a code block in 1/2 of the screen? Specifically, I'm interested in...
If you change the code, get a reload, then speaker's notes' 'next slide' doesn't work any longer. Need to close/open speakers notes again. 1. Open speakers notes 2. Change code/text...
I converted my "literate programming" talk to use the latest version. Looks pretty good! There are still a few things I changed - and I think some of those could...
``` ``` works but can we use it in markdown?
Swiping on [FsReveal slides](http://fsreveal.azurewebsites.net/#/) works on IE desktop and Chrome but not on IE metro. [Reveal.js](http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/) slides do work with all browsers.
Other language file will be something like `fsx`. `comment (markdown) + js` -> `markdown w/ [lang=js]` -> `reveal.js`