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New rule proposal: Track uses of "TODO" tags
TODO tags are commonly used to mark places where some more code is required, but which the developer wants to implement later. Sometimes the developer will not have the time or will simply forget to get back to that tag. This rule is meant to track those tags and to ensure that they do not go unnoticed.
Expected behavior
Report TODO
and synonymns, see at http://wordaligned.org/articles/todo
This rule is available in several static Code ananlyzers of other langes, e.g. in SonarQube (https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/RSPEC-1135)
Actual behavior
rule not available today
Known workarounds
One might configure a hint
Related information
Rule not listed at http://fsprojects.github.io/FSharpLint/Rules.html
Thanks, good suggestion!
You may find it interesting to check the code of F# Powertools. It's not supported after VS2017, but it supported task lists of TODO and FIXME and the like: https://github.com/fsprojects/Archive-VisualFSharpPowerTools/blob/master/README.md
And: http://fsprojects.github.io/VisualFSharpPowerTools/tasklistcomments.html
And here's the proposal for F# itself (still open), there's clearly demand for it (I'd love it too!): https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/issues/4175