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Cannot use User Defined Table Types with the SqlCommandProvider

Open daniellittledev opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Issue Summary

I'm attempting to use a User Defined Table Type to pass a list into a sql command. The type provider successfully infers the type of the User Defined Table and compiles correctly. However at runtime an error is thrown from the SqlClient indicating that a variable needs to be declared (even though it is declared).

To Reproduce

Here is a sample Table Type:

Create Type [dbo].[Identifiers] AS Table(
  [Id] UniqueIdentifier Not Null

Here is how you would use it, note that DeleteRecordsCommandProvider.Identifiers the type constructor is accessible off the provider.

type private DeleteRecordsCommandProvider = SqlCommandProvider<"
    Declare @Ids as Identifiers = @MyIds;
    Delete [Records]
    From [Records] target
    Join @Ids source on source .Id = target.Id
    " , staticConnectionString>

type DeleteRecordsDbCommand = DeleteRecordsParameters -> Async<int>
let deleteRecords (context: DatabaseContext) : DeleteRecordsDbCommand =
    fun parameters -> async {

    use cmd = new DeleteRecordsCommandProvider(context.connection, transaction = context.transaction)

    let ids = parameters.recordIds |> List.map(fun x -> DeleteRecordsCommandProvider.Identifiers x)

    return! cmd.AsyncExecute(
        MyIds = ids


However, when the following code is run the following error is thrown:

Must declare the scalar variable "@InputIds".

Expected behavior

I would expect this command to execute successfully.

What you can do

  • [ ] I am willing to contribute a PR with a unit test showcasing the issue
  • [x] I am willing to test the bug fix before next release

daniellittledev avatar Jan 05 '22 07:01 daniellittledev

@daniellittledev could you check if using TableVarMapping parameter fixes the issue?


Here is sample in the tests:


AFAIR, there are some technicalities as to why those TVP can't be inferred as it is done with other parameters, but you can still define commands using those, with extra/explicit declarations.

smoothdeveloper avatar Jan 05 '22 18:01 smoothdeveloper

Thanks, I had not seen that, I'll try it out.

daniellittledev avatar Jan 08 '22 01:01 daniellittledev

Hi there,

I'm in the same situation that is @daniellittledev

I've this query

type Query = SqlCommandProvider<"
    declare @ids as dbo.Identifiers = @idProducts

    SELECT *
    FROM ep
    WHERE ep.ID in (
	        SELECT ID from @ids
", connectionString>

When I run the code I get the following error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Must declare the scalar variable "@idProducts".

I'm using the package FSharp.Data.SqlClient version 2.0.7.

Which version of the package I have to install in order to use TableVarMapping?

Also: How should I use TableVarMapping? Any example?

I've been able to use User Defined Table Values sucessfully with a Stored Procedure but now I need to create a very simple query so I think using a SP is overkill.

vcrobe avatar Jan 12 '22 16:01 vcrobe

@vcrobe can you try adding , TableVarMapping = "@idProducts=dbo.Identifiers"

smoothdeveloper avatar Jan 12 '22 16:01 smoothdeveloper

@smoothdeveloper thank you for your quick response!

I did it and now I get this error:

The type provider 'FSharp.Data.SqlCommandProvider' reported an error: Must declare the scalar variable "@SQLCOMMANDPROVIDER_idProducts".

vcrobe avatar Jan 12 '22 16:01 vcrobe