XPlot copied to clipboard
animation.startup setting is missing
Set animation: {"startup": true}
- setting this in your options will cause your chart to start with series values drawn at the baseline, and animate out to their final state.
Added with:
Configuration.fs (line 8)
type Animation() =
let mutable durationField : int option = None
let mutable easingField : string option = None
let mutable startUpField : bool option = None
member __.startup
with get() = startUpField.Value
and set(value) = startUpField <- Some value
member __.duration
with get() = durationField.Value
and set(value) = durationField <- Some value
member __.easing
with get() = easingField.Value
and set(value) = easingField <- Some value
member __.ShouldSerializeduration() = not durationField.IsNone
member __.ShouldSerializeeasing() = not easingField.IsNone
member __.ShouldSerializestartup() = not startUpField.IsNone