Feras Saad
Feras Saad
Here is a patch: ```diff diff --git a/backend/lite/basic_sps.py b/backend/lite/basic_sps.py index 2bb639b..a8134e7 100644 --- a/backend/lite/basic_sps.py +++ b/backend/lite/basic_sps.py @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import cPickle as pkl +from collections import OrderedDict + from...
The [current implementation](https://github.com/probcomp/Venturecxx/blob/master/backend/lite/discrete.py#L538-L546) computes the logDensity of the sufficient statistic itself `xsum`, rather than an observation sequence `(x1,\dots,xN)` with sufficient statistic `xsum`. The two differ by a constant (not a...
### What happened + What you expected to happen 1. **The Bug.** I have a training data frame of the following form ``` unique_id ds y 0 H1 1 1...
Hi @roberthoenig, do you have utilities or suggestions on how to use your library to convert a `Formula` to disjunctive normal form (DNF)? I see that you have implemented [get_conjunctive_normal_form(formula)](https://github.com/roberthoenig/FirstOrderLogic.jl/blob/master/src/conjunctive_normal_form.jl)
https://github.com/google/bayesnf/blob/fb59400ab86aa16a548f6df566bc0d5ba6e19eb5/src/bayesnf/inference.py#L445 If `ensemble_size < jax.device_count` then 0 particles are fitted. In terms of the API `.fit` silently fails, but `.predict` gives an error, since there is a min/max operation over...
The predicted `mean` array returned by https://github.com/google/bayesnf/blob/2debb69cf21daf7de982843a82436a57d5a97dd3/src/bayesnf/spatiotemporal.py#L273 has three dimensions, (`num_devices, ensemble_size // num_devices, len(table)` (for MLE/MAP) or even four dimensions (for VI). It is more convenient to have only...