I have this php script on a shared host with the minecraft servers port open through the firewall. Normal clients connect readily as expected. (server is minecraft 1.4.7) when the...
I have abootstrap 3 / jquery 1.9.1 (with migrate 1.1.1) page with an `` container. I want to be able to drop anywhere on that article in order to upload....
I'm looking for a way to iterate all my objects and store them to disk (json/bson). It's simple enough to iterate ``` let result = {}; localforage.iterate(function(value,key) { result[key] =...
In the demo, type in the first row. instead of pressing down-arrow to get to the next line, press enter. On the next line you are typing in whatever the...
When I initialise the spectrum with hideAfterPalletteSelect and clickoutFiresChange both true, I receive many calls to the change event (opening and closing the picker twice or more will results in...
401 unauthorized: Working: oddly enough, also working Seems from my testing that setting maxwidth=0, maxheight=0 on videos marked as unlisted can cause 401 unauthorized to appear. If...
Good to be able to serve this via cdn
I'd like to be able to set the initial value as the css string, rather than having to add handles via handler.setColor `instance.setColorValue('repeating-linear-gradient(to bottom, #085078 0%, #85D8CE 50%, $ffcc33 60%)')`...
If a response doesn't contain an audio track or the track was corrupt, the await condition would never return.
Should the **user clean** option also dump records from other tables? I noticed data still in `stats_user_daily`, `stats_user_weekly`, `stats_user_monthly`, `user_lastaccess`, `use_preferences`, With clean completion enabled, I noticed user records in...