Results 19 comments of Frithjof

I vaguely remember issues like this in skpro v1; I am not sure we had an elegant solution for it though - I guess this is where overloading or multiple...

Could you not dispatch based on the type/shape of `x`; if it's a special case, you call that instead of falling back onto approximate solutions.

I see. It sounds to me like using different methods would be best in that case.

Thanks! Not a code review, but I think this is a great addition. I was working on [another reservoir computing model]( a while back; when I find some time, I'll...

How about `sktime` taking an *optional* dependency on `skpro`? As far as I can tell, this is already quite common in sktime (e.g. require Tensorflow for MLP models etc.). As...

I think the option of `sktime` taking `skpro` as required dependency as implemented in #6393 is reasonable given that sktime arguably relies on it for "very common functionality". What might...

Yes, given that both projects are under the sktime organization, the dependency management should be workable.

Neat! Is the plan to release this in the future or will skpro remain an optional dependency in sktime?

Sorry, just saw that you've already discussed this in Will comment over there.