Carlo Revelli
Carlo Revelli
looks correct to me
i can't reproduce on spot markets... hmm
~~cannot reproduce this issue at all, i suggest to avoid merging for now~~ seems to be a bug that only effects python due to it being more async with how...
finally i am able to reproduce, it seems only possible in python due to the nature of fastclient
ok am able to reproduce this, will merge since it is a pretty critical bug
> Also looking at this code, I think we should consider in the future rewriting this as I can see there being issues when a user tries to call both...
@mmehrle the fundingRate is the estimated funding rate for the next hour, if you notice the hour has not finished at the time the fundingRate is quoted so it is...
@zydjohnHotmail make sure you computer clock is synchronised properly
for now it should work without the limit argument, we will add support for checksums with the limit argument soon
Is `docker run nonocaptcha` all that is needed? Which file does this run?