mason-bridge.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mason-bridge.nvim copied to clipboard

Automatically register linters and formatters installed in mason.nvim


mason-bridge automatically registers linters and formatters installed using mason.nvim in conform.nvim and nvim-lint.


  • Automatically generates the formatters_by_ft and linters_by_ft tables to be used in their respective plugins
  • Provides and override in case the tool name and linter name mismatch e.g. snyk and snyk_iac


  • neovim >= 0.7.0
  • mason.nvim
  • conform.nvim
  • nvim-lint



use {




It's important that you set up the plugins in the following order:

  1. mason.nvim
  2. mason-bridge
  3. conform.nvim and/or nvim-lint (this order doesnt matter)

Pay extra attention to this if you lazy-load plugins, or somehow "chain" the loading of plugins via your plugin manager.


-- After setting up mason-bridge you may set up conform.nvim and nvim-lint
    formatters_by_ft = require("mason-bridge").get_formatters(),

require("lint").linters_by_ft = require("mason-bridge").get_linters()
-- ...

Have Tools Register for Every Filetype

Some tools like for example codespell do not have a language specified because they are to be used on every filetype / language. mason-bridge returns these tools with a * as the placeholder for the language. To correctly register correctly in nvim-lint you need to modify your nvim-lint config like this:

local names = lint._resolve_linter_by_ft(
names = vim.list_extend({}, names)
vim.list_extend(names, lint.linters_by_ft["*"] or {})

-- try_lint() can be called in an autocommand as described in the nvim-lint README

Dynamically Load Linters and Formatters


You can have nvim-lint dynamically load linters so you dont have to restart nvim after installing or uninstalling a tool. To achive this you need to update the autcommand from the nvim-lint README like this:

local bridge = require("mason-bridge")
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufWritePost" },{
  callback = function()
    -- get the linters from mason
    local linters = bridge.get_linters()
    -- filter for linters for the current filetype
    local names = linters[] or {}
    -- Create a copy of the names table to avoid modifying the original.
    names = vim.list_extend({}, names)
    -- insert the linters that have ["*"] as filetype into the names table
    vim.list_extend(names, linters["*"])
    -- apply those linters to the current buffer


We ask for the currently installed formatters in a similar way to how we ask for linters. To achieve this we need to turn format_on_save into a function that re-sets the formatters_by_ft for conform.nvim like shown in the example below.

local bridge = require("mason-bridge")
	formatters_by_ft = bridge.get_formatters(),
	format_on_save = function(bufnr)
		require("conform").formatters_by_ft = bridge.get_formatters()
		return { timeout_ms = 200, lsp_fallback = true }, on_format

Refer to the Configuration section for information about which settings are available.


You may optionally configure certain behavior of mason-bridge.nvim when calling the .setup() function. Refer to the default configuration for a list of all available settings.


    overrides = {
        linters = {
            javascript = { "snyk_iac" },
            docker = { "snyk_iac" }
        formatters = {
            my_language = {"formatter_1", "formatter_2"}

Default configuration

    -- A table of filetypes with the respective tool (or tools) to be used
    overrides = {
        formatters = {},
        linters = {}


  • [ ] Add a handler system similar to mason-lspconfig.nvim and mason-nvim-dap.nvim
  • [ ] Find i better way of handling language to filetype mappings
  • [x] Add vim help file

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