react-native-create-library icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-create-library copied to clipboard

:notebook: Command line tool to create a React Native library with a single command

Results 46 react-native-create-library issues
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### Circumstance - node 10.5.0 - npm 6.1.0 - macOS High Sierra (10.13.5) ### Description In `example/node_modules/` my library is actually a symbolic link instead of a real copied directory,...

Integrating react-native-create-library giving this error logs: What went wrong: Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:preDebugBuild'. > Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. > Could not...

How I can add my dependencies for my iOS project ? All repositories is private github repo

LIke how we implement plugins for `flutter` (just in case if you do know flutter), I'd like to have `test template` that can stick to native modules. Currently, I know...

``` > react-native-create-library -p XX my-library While `RN` is the default prefix, it is recommended to customize the prefix. 📚 Created library my-library in `./my-library`. ... ``` However, `react-native-create-library --prefix`...

Hi I want to add some native ios package as a dependency. It should go into the `Embedded Binaries` section. However if I open the lib created with `react-native-create-library` I...

Hello, there! Your readme includes the `--version` option, but `react-native-create-library --version` gives `error: unknown option --version`, which is a bit frustrating, making wonder if the app was set-up correctly. Thank...

Hi! When I run `react-native-create-library MyTest` I see this in the console: `Created library MyTest in `./MyTest`.` But the folder is `react-native-my-test`, so I spent some time trying to understand...

@frostney : Hi, congratulations on the module. It would be interesting to give the possibility that during the creation of the module, the possibility to automatically install dependencies. For example:...

Since your last release a lot has changed and maybe that's a good idea to bump version on GitHub? Especially take into consideration that your Readme is _too_ "up-to-date" according...