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react-intl components for React Native

Results 9 react-intl-native issues
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`IntlProvider` is a named export :)

@frostney The "format" prop is not being propagated for FormattedNumber. This should fix this issue. I could see FormattedNumber being reworked to less restrictive about what it passes through in...

This pull request allows for custom components fixing #9. It also includes a fix for #12.

work in progress

Hi! Can you update `FormattedMessage` with this code? ``` setNativeProps = nativeProps => { this._root.setNativeProps(nativeProps) } ``` Than it will be possible to use as a child of `TouchableOpacity`. Look...

` import { Text } from 'react-native'; ` This is a nice default, but one might want to use another variation of this component There is a context.textComponent option that...

Hi, I followed all steps and added below code in But I get Invariant Violation: Expected a component class, got [object Object]. error Can you please share an example how...

I got "UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY react@^0.14.9 || ^15.0.0" when try to install package for current ReactNative version (0.45).

Hi, From what I can see about this error, it's because the package is providing too much (unnecessary) transformations. I see that es2015 is used to transform this package. Why...