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marko copied to clipboard

A markdown parser with high extensibility.

Results 5 marko issues
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Hey, thanks for this library! I've come accross an issue where double backslashes are lost. Losing the `\\` is causing newlines to be lost in MathJax rendering. ### Minimal example...

The [commonmark-hs]( library used by pandoc has a very nice [attributes extension]( that allows attributes to be attached to any inline or block elements, e.g: ``` {.test} * foo *...

Update locked dependencies. ## Update summary There are 1 updates: | | Package | From | To | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | :arrow_up: |...

automated pr

Convenience method for parsing text obtained from file.

Update locked dependencies. ## Update summary There are 1 updates: | | Package | From | To | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | :arrow_up: |...

automated pr