Felix Rosencrantz

Results 24 issues of Felix Rosencrantz

See https://github.com/saulpw/visidata/discussions/886 I typically run the same queries, where the columns are stable, but the data (rows,cells) are different every time. It would be useful if I could optionally specify...


I think pyp is a very cool tool. I don't actually use it, but I'm impressed by what you've created, and there is a way I would use this code...

Requested fix in https://github.com/dogsheep/github-to-sqlite/pull/59 The stargazers and workflows commands always require an auth file, even when using a `GITHUB_TOKEN`. Other commands don't require the auth file.

This plugin stoped working after tmux commit https://github.com/tmux/tmux/commit/f8ad72b2eeafc1146c116f73194a3950aa0c2143 It worked at tmux commit ec151b79ec672fac04db3305a161bcd67e22bbb7 https://github.com/tmux/tmux/commit/ec151b79ec672fac04db3305a161bcd67e22bbb7 The commits in between involve changes related to how per-pane options are handled, which is...

**Small description** The eml loader uses the Python built email.parser module, but does not import it. **Expected result** Load and read MIME messages. **Actual result with screenshot** If you get...


@saulpw added this wonderful `exec-sql` command in response to https://github.com/saulpw/visidata/issues/1719 The wishlist item is to make that command more useful. - [ ] The command always creates sheets with the...


**Small description** VisiData ends up using lots of CPU and memory in idle state **Expected result** Idle time is not too busy **Actual result with screenshot** https://asciinema.org/a/HDtlFjQTpi5lIigMPdGgw2kXP Not really sure...

can't reproduce

The `develop` branch VisiData can now show help at the user input prompt. The input for regex pattern flags have details about what the different flags are. It would be...

help wanted

**Small description** The `-n -f` flag is sticky for all files listed as arguments. **Expected result** The `-n -f type` flag only applies to the next file listed as an...

By Design

In https://github.com/saulpw/visidata/issues/659 a wish was granted adding the `curcol` alias to addcol-expr. Thank you! This request is: Allow the alias to be used in any other commands that reference column...
