Felix Rosencrantz
Felix Rosencrantz
VisiData is a wonderful terminal tool for exploring data. It seems like most of the tools on this list are written in Rust, VisiData is written in Python and is...
I don't think it has a direct replacement. But I've found I use awk/sed/cut/sort a lot less since I started using VisiData. So it ends up being a great replacement...
I'm not familiar with `nix`. Some simple searches suggested: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Locales @blaggacao does that help? You can report a bug here https://github.com/saulpw/visidata/issues
This might already be covered by this wishlist request. Some menu items don't have help. It seems like all default menu items should have help. I noticed this for System/Macro...
Side note for anyone else watching this issue. Saul recently posted a video showing how to join the menu commands with the help-commands sheet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QixtGeSbSLU
Hi @danski3456, this is not a very specific request. It would be useful if you could share some specific examples of how there is a speed difference. You've already filed...
I realized later that the animation was missing the w3m output. Maybe next week I can show that. Though I think from the Visidata output you can see that for...
Here is the w3m-only screenshot. The first one shows the table with rowspan, and the second example without rowspan. https://asciinema.org/a/SE31VbT4U156d9s1VBFJO7Rxs That first column that uses rowspan should touch all rows...
I'm not sure if you are asking me. I do think the rowspan should be handled for `` cells, since it has implications for how other rows/cols are aligned. Compared...
Hi @anjakefala I had looked a little more at this issue. It reminds me how odd html tables are as a data format. And when I look for live examples,...