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Veganify is a modern webapp that allows you to easily scan EAN barcodes to check if a product is vegan-friendly. With a database of over 3 million products, you can quickly find out if your favorite f...

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Veganify - Check if a product if vegan/vegetarian easily and fast | Product Hunt Veganify- Check if a product if vegan/vegetarian easily and fast | Product Hunt


Veganify checks the barcode (EAN or UPC) of a food- or non-food-product and tells you if it is vegan or not. It is an useful tool for vegans and vegetarians - Developed with usability and simplicity in mind, so without distracting irrelevant facts or advertising.

Veganify combines the Databases of OpenFoodFacts, OpenBeautyFacts and Open EAN Database, as well as our very own ingredient checker in one tool.

See an example of how it works!

The Veganify Ingredients API checks the products ingredients against a list of thousands of non-vegan items.

Open PWA in browser | Product page on FrontEndNetwork | Use the API | iOS Shortcut | Uptime Status


Click here to see the installation guide!

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Please refer to our issue trackers to see where you could help:

Veganify on Inlang

or if you find something else you could improve, just open a new issue for it!

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All text and code in this repository is licensed under MIT, © 2023 Philip Brembeck, © 2023 FrontEndNetwork.