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Open Source Software list
Frontend Indonesia Open Source Project
This repository contains open source project, issue that need to be solved and important links related to it
🌎 Languages
Read this description in another languages:
- 🇮🇩 Indonesian
🆘 Issue that Need Help
- TypeScript - https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript-Website/issues/938
- Nuxt.js - https://github.com/nuxt/nuxtjs.org/issues/549
- React - https://github.com/reactjs/id.reactjs.org
- Svelte - https://github.com/svelteid/svelte3-translation-id
- Javascript.info - https://github.com/javascript-tutorial/id.javascript.info
- Vue.js - https://github.com/vuejs-id/docs-next
- Swift - https://github.com/supercomputra/BahasaPemrogramanSwift
Open Source Project
You can add your own open source project using the following format:
- [name](repository link) by [creator](profile link) - description - keyword
specifically for open source blog type projects, the format is:
- [name](repository link) by [creator](profile link) - keyword
please sort it in ascending order.
- Buku Saku Pramuka by Irfan Maulana - A web version of scout pocket book - Next.js, Scout
- pm2-panel by pedox - Simple pm2 monitoring built in React and next.js - React, Next.js
- Sekolahku-ID by Satya Wikananda - A web app to search schools in Indonesia - Vue.js, Vuetify, School
- covidmonitor.now.sh website by Burhan - Vue.js
- indonesia-covid19.surge.sh website by Muhammad Isrin - React
- kabarvirus.com website by Ariya Hidayat - vanilla
- kawalcovid19.id website by KawalCOVID19 community - React, Next.js, WordPress
- SEKAI.ID Website by SEKAI.ID - Next.js, TailwindCSS
- pantaucovidapp.netlify.app website by Fiqry choerudin - Vue.js
- andriawan.com by Muhammad Irwan Andriawan - React, Gatsby
- adibfirman.github.io by Adib Firman - React, Gatsby
- Blog 3.0 by Irfan Maulana - React, Gatsby
- Griko Nibras by Griko Nibras - React, Next.js
- hanihusam.com by Hani Husamuddin - React, Next.js
- iyansr.id by Iyan Saputra - React, Next.js, Framer Motion, Strapi
- Nusendra's blog by Nusendra - Svelte, Sapper
- resir014.xyz by Resi Respati - React, Next.js
- sonnylab.com by Sonny Lazuardi - React, Gatsby, Framer Motion
- zainfathoni.com by Zain Fathoni - React, Gatsby
- arisris.com by Aris Riswanto - React, Next.js, Gist Blog, Guestbook, NextAuth
UI Component
- React Datepicker Component by Adib Firman - An awesome Datepicker for your React APP, built in with Framer Motion - React, Datepicker
- React Web Monetization UI by Eka - Handy UI components to use with the Web Monetization API in React - React, Monetization
- Tetikus by Namchee - (Experimental) A small custom cursor component for Vue 3 ✌️ - Vue, Custom Cursor
- Vue Scheduler by Burhan - A straightforward daily scheduler component for VueJS / NuxtJS - Vue, Scheduler
Programming Language
- Naskah by Fatih Kalifa - Programming language with Indonesian syntax - JavaScript, Rust
Starter Project
- JungleJS + Storybook + TailwindCSS Starter Site by Eka - Starter site for JungleJS + Storybook + TailwindCSS - Svelte, JungleJS, Storybook, TailwindCSS
- Preact + Typescript + Parcel by Adverse Prelude - A simple starter site for Preact + Typescript + ParcelJS - Preact, Typescript, ParcelJS
- ReasonReact Parcel Starter by Adverse Prelude - Starter project for begin with ReasonReact - ReasonML, React, ParcelJS
- Vredeburg by Dafiul Haq - A simple starter project to create a blog using Eleventy and Tailwind CSS - Eleventy, TailwindCSS
- Color Copy Paste by Sonny Lazuardi - Copy color from real world paste it on your browser, figma or sketch plugin
- formstrap by pedox - Integrate Reactstrap input components with Formik utility - React, Formik, Reactstrap
- html-form-generator by Adverse Prelude - Simple HTML form generator on CLI.
- htmr by Fatih Kalifa - Simple and lightweight (< 2kB) HTML string to react element conversion library - React
- Nama Gadungan by Riza Fahmi - Tiny library for dummy Indonesia name. This repo is intended for experimentation for everyone who willing to learn to contributing to open source project
- Nuxt Storage by Irfan Maulana - Utilities for easy read and write browser's storage in Nuxt.js project - Nuxt, Browser Storage
- QRious by neocotic - Pure JavaScript library for QR code generation using canvas - qr, qrcode, qrcode-generator, javascript, neocotic qrious
- raw.macro by Fatih Kalifa - Read file contents at build time via babel-plugin-macros - Babel
- React Lazy Viewport by Adib Firman - Load your react component based on viewport browser - React, Intersection Observer, Viewport
- tempe by Dimitrij Agal - Featherlight helper for Javascript date formatting - i18n
- Vue Currency Filter by Irfan Maulana - Lightweight vue currency filter based on accounting.js - Vue, Currency, Accounting
- Next.js Api Router by Aris Riswanto - Simple Next.js Api Router, Inspired by itty-router - Next.js, Api, Itty-Router