angular-froala-wysiwyg copied to clipboard
Froala model not updated when copy pasting content
We use Froala 2.9.4, because we are not able to migrate due to incompatibility.
When copying content from a Froala editor instance and pasting this into another instance, Froala is not detecting changes unless a key is pressed. This means that pasting into that instance, does nothing, froalaModelChange is not fired and froalaModel is not changed, unless I press a key.
I went through the changelog and noticed in version 2.9.4 the hotfix
Copy / paste from another FE instance
So I assumed this was fixed, but it has not.
Is this a bug? If so, can this only be fixed by migrating to version 3, or is there another solution?
Can someone confirm this behaviour also occurs in the latest version of Froala? Meaning you have 2 instances, copy paste from one instance to another, and froalaModel is not changed when simply pasting the content.
I can confirm that...I used the latest version.
Here is an older version (2.8) : .
but we're locally using the latest version for our company, and I reproduced it (version 3.0).
Is there a workaround for this, since Froala still has not fixed this?
We simply want the froalaModel to change when our clients our pasting content. I don't understand why this does not trigger anything in Froala, we have tried all the events that trigger change, but it does nothing when copying from one instance and pasting it into another.
We also couldn't find a solution, sorry, and already informed our customers about this. I hope it is resolved soon...
I have similar issue when pasting same content in froala editor I have created minimal reproduction for this here
what is happening here is I am using reactive form with froala editor, so when u click on clear button, form value is set to null, and when froalaModelChange event is fired then I update the form values, I have bind the form values directly to froalaModel
STEPS to reproduce the issue on the link
- enter some content in the editor for ex. "Demo", and copy this content
- clear the content with help of clear button
- now paste the same content in the editor
repeat the step 2 & 3 for couple of times and observe behavior, after doing this 2-3 times froalaModelChange event is not getting fired.
Let me know if I'm doing something wrong here.. or this is an issue with editor
I have the same problem. I use with froala version - 3.1.1-1 When our customers make a copy paste from one show to another froalaModel does not change.
Has a solution to the problem already emerged?