fritzing-parts copied to clipboard
Electronic components for use in the Fritzing app (aka the parts library)
The proto shield for Arduino Mega ([link to Arduino store]( Based off the "normal" proto shield.
Elecrow ESP-WROOM-32
Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V (clone)
Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V1 development board (update & rename of superseded version)
Heltec Wireless Stick (Gecko Board)
Heltec Wireless Stick Lite (Panda Board) (update & rename of superseded version)
Snootlab boards are not available anymore. Therefore I am moving them to the obsolete folder, and delete the bin. Two issues to investigate before merging: - The parts can be...
Arduino Pro Mini 35-pin Clone, 3.3V/8MHz variant
Formerly Elecrow_ESP32S_WiFi_BLE_Board_V1.0
Formerly Heltec_CubeCell_Dev_Board Standardise part name and descriptive content (tags, properties etc.)