hans copied to clipboard
How adopt hans with openvpn
Would you please explain how to initialize an OpenVPN on top of hans?
Hi, you want wrap like this? (((Data)OpenVPN)hans)
On windows, I would setup like this, make hans IP direct to current host gateway, try add this on batch file :+1:
SET HOST= (replace with our hans server IP)
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims={,}" %%a in ('"WMIC NICConfig where IPEnabled="True" get DefaultIPGateway /value | find "I" "') do set GATE=%%~a
echo Deleting route
route delete %HOST%
echo Adjusting host route, allowing VPN over has
route add %HOST% mask %MASK% %GATE%
echo Running Hans!
hans -vfc %HOST% -p password
Hi, Thank you What about Mac OS or Linux ?
based on this article: https://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?eventSubmit_doGoviewsolutiondetails=&solutionid=sk7303
maybe do route add <Hans IP> gw
all traffic will go via OpenVPN except Hans IP Address, so hans wont get disconnected