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Universal dynamic routes for Next.js

Results 101 next-routes issues
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Hi, Did anyone succeed in using this module in combination with getStaticPaths? It appears that getStaticPaths needs the dynamic routes to be placed in a filename like `pages/users/[id].js` but i...

I'm trying to match a catch-all route which matches all paths except those that end with `.ico`. The regular expression for this is straightforward: ```.add(`/:path(?!.*ico)`, 'static-content')``` however, I get the...


I have implemented the `static file serving` on Next.js but seems doesn't work because my router configuration: ```javascript const routes = require('next-routes') module.exports = routes().add('post', '/:categorySlug/:slug', 'post/post-show') ``` I...

We are trying to update React/Next in our project and updating any necessary dependencies along the way. Most of these are straightforward, but for routing we're not using the new...

Peer dependency issue during installing with next 11 ![image]( I have disabled for current instillation but if latest next.js is supported i guess it has to be fixed 🍡

Just upgraded to NextJs 10 and the pushRoute no longer does client side routing, im always getting a page reload. Are others having this same issue?

I have the following routes.js ``` const nextRoutes = require('next-routes') const routes = (module.exports = nextRoutes()) routes.add('product', '/collection/:handle/:url') ``` Item.js ``` return ( {item.title} £{item.variants.edges[0].node.price} ); ``` I want to...

There have been a lot of changes in NextJS router and other core functionalities and it seems that this library hasn't been updated for more than **2 years** now

Hi, I want to programmatically update the query string in the current route, using native next router this could be done using: ```js // from withRouter props.router.push({pathname: router.pathname, {query: {...