Albin Larsson

Results 225 comments of Albin Larsson

I don't know if node-canvas v2 can be used for this. They did add support for things we could _perhaps_ use. _Perhaps_ we could read the svg elements innerHTML after...

I've given my answer ^

Please create a new issue, since that doesn't look directly related to this feature suggestion. I just added issue templates to make this easier. Are you trying to render an...

[puppeteer-lottie](, an alternative to lottie-node was just published. It uses puppeteer and Chrome headless rather than Node.js and supports SVG.

@galipmedia Feel free to try. I don't have time for it myself unfortunately.

It should download it to `~/.local/share/ulauncher/extensions/com.github.friday.ulauncher-clipboard/clipster_bin`, and it worked flawlessly for me when testing just now. If you had a clipboard manager installed when launching ulauncher or the extension, please...

You should update your distro if /usr/bin/python isn't python 3, or make a symlink to overwrite. And clipster was written for supporing both python2 and python3.

So if you do this `python --version` it will say Python version 2? I recommend not switching the shebang to `#!/usr/bin/python3.8`. My first advice is that you install clipster manually...

Changing text size isn't possible because it's defined by a set of absolute or relative measures defined by the developer(s) of the page/site/app. But you can zoom, which changes the...

I missed that one. Looks good to me. "These settings are reset to defaults upon navigating the tab." could be a problem, but I'm not sure how to interpret "navigating".