Richard Gomes

Results 47 comments of Richard Gomes

Hello, I have a similar situation as @wiebe-ruiter . I have a Feitian R502 Dual (dual interface), which works just fine with my Portuguese ID card, which is supported, but...

I have a shell script which installs muntjac and creates a skeleton for a simple web application in one go. Simply follow these steps: 1. create a separate folder $...

WARNING: Examples in this thread have typos and will not work! Besides, these examples are incomplete. Far more work is needed in order to have this working.

@nickretallack : Another strategy is "just keep reading", without caring about too much with every possible interpretation behind every single line. Just keep reading. "You just need to get used...

@Alexander-Miller :: I suppose you are aware of this stuff below. For the benefit of people landing here: I was able to circumvent the difficulty by setting: ```lisp (setq lsp-auto-guess-root...

@Alexander-Miller : Thanks a lot for enlighten me on the internals of Treemacs. To be honest with you, I do not fully understand the business around neither `treemacs-project-follow-mode` nor `treemacs-persist-file`....

I guess the error is due to changes on API from 0.10 to 0.11. In 0.10 we have something like this: KStream map(KeyValueMapper mapper) ... whilst on 0.11 we have...

It's necessary to replace code such as: ``` def count(storeName: String): KTableS[K, Long] = { inner.count(storeName) .mapValues[Long](javalong => } ``` ... by something like: ``` def count(storeName: String): KTableS[K,...

It is implemented at However, it is still necessary to create distinct modules for Kafka 0.10 and Kafka 0.11

@aseigneurin : I've tried with Scala-2.12.3 in the hope that it was some sort of interoperability problem solved as part of better employing SAM in Java8, but the issue remains....