crayons icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
crayons copied to clipboard

🖍️ Crayons - A UI Kit comprising of web components for building Freshworks Apps!

Results 58 crayons issues
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## Description: Added provision to choose time in the single date picker. ## Checklist: - [ ] My code follows the code style of this project. - [ ] My...

## Checklist: - [ ] My code follows the code style of this project. - [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation. - [ ] I have...

**Description of the enhancement:** - There is no straight forward way now to get the current state values of the form when using `fw-form` - The two hacky ways that...


**Component** All the Input fields (e.g. `fw-textarea`,` fw-input`, `fw-form`) **Describe the bug** Pasting text from the clipboard insert a space if the input field already has some content **To Reproduce**...


**Component** fw-datepicker with range mode **Describe the bug** When we tried to get the value, ie using element.getValue().then(console.log); it is returning **RangeError: Invalid time value** **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce...


**Description of the enhancement:** need an option to disable the date-picker component similar to other input components, it is not possible to disable this component, **Describe the solution you'd like**...


**Component** Datepicker **Describe the bug** When we set minDate or maxDate via javascript, the component is not updating. **To Reproduce** 1,Create a Datepicker component and execute the following jquery command,...


## Description: Moved the colors sass variables to a generic (from `azure-800` to `color-info-800`) which can be overwritten by the css variable `--fw-color-info-800`. Also exposed the typography and padding /...

**Component** fw-select **Describe the bug** fwChange fires twice **To Reproduce** * add select and select-options and an event listener for `fwChange` following the documentation **Expected behavior** fwChange should fire...


## Checklist: - [x] My code follows the code style of this project. - [x] My change requires a change to the documentation. - [x] I have updated the documentation...