Results 120 comments of Billy

@ljharb Wait, so you're saying that if I have `npm` installed via `nvm`, doing a global `npm install -g` won't require sudo and will only be available to the calling...

Check out this ultra-comprehensive spreadsheet comparing script loaders: There's a reason I chose curl. Or rather, many reasons.

I dropped in CPR in place of NCP and it worked without much code changing at all. I was having issues with NCP when updating from node v0.10 to v4,...

I've been seeing effects of this for months, and i had no idea what was going on. Since I was ignoring errors anyway, I didn't spend the time to look...

Update: I'm now getting callbacks, but i'm getting repeat callbacks when there are no errors. Why?

I figured out what was going on. I had duplicate NCP copies going at the same time. UNKNOWN, unlink must indicate that the file can't be deleted because it no...

I think this might be related, I'm getting errors like the following when copying directories that have symlinks: ``` Error: EINVAL, readlink '/vagrant/node_modules/unzip/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/.bin/rimraf' ```

@droark I'd inform people that you recommend they close their issues here and open them up at . @mikepreview would you mind closing this and moving it there?