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Kafka CLI with Powershell flavor
: Enhancing the Kafka CLI with Powershell flavor.
- Overview
- Requirements
- Topics
- Persistent Producer
- Simple Consumer
- MultiTopic Consumer
- Persistent Consumer
- Consumer Threads
- Powershell Object Example
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Apache Kafka is a useful publish & subscribe messaging system. Data is transmitted, or “produced”, to a Kafka as “messages” that are later retrieved, “consumed”, by any number of recipients. A simple way of producing and consuming messages is with the default Kafka command-line interface, which uses Java to interact with a Kafka instance. Another Kafka CLI exists, kafkacat, which depends on the C/C++ library librdkafka. This Powershell module, pskafka, wraps around either the default Kafka CLI, or kafkacat, to provide the following:
- a syntax friendly to Powershell developers.
- easy reuse of Kafka producer(s) throughout a pipeline by communicating with the Kafka CLI over the standard input stream.
- easily spawn and read from multiple Kafka consumers in separate threads.
Powershell is an object-oriented scripting language that was recently made open-source and cross-platform. Powershell can natively convert to and from JSON, which is a common format in which Kafka messages are produced. By parsing a JSON message into a Powershell object, transformations in the command-line are made much easier.
pskafka has comment-based help (i.e., docstring) that can be explored using Powershell’s help system.
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
# List all commands in the `pskafka` module.
Get-Command -Module pskafka | Select-Object CommandType, Name
## CommandType Name
## ----------- ----
## Alias Get-KafkaConsumer
## Alias Read-KafkaConsumer
## Alias Receive-KafkaConsumer
## Alias Remove-KafkaConsumer
## Alias Stop-KafkaConsumer
## Alias Wait-KafkaConsumer
## Function Get-KafkaHome
## Function Get-KafkaTopics
## Function Out-KafkaTopic
## Function Read-Job
## Function Read-JobStreams
## Function Read-KafkaTopic
## Function Set-KafkaHome
## Function Start-KafkaConsumer
## Function Start-KafkaProducer
## Function Stop-KafkaProducer
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
# Get help for a command.
Get-Help -Name 'Start-KafkaConsumer'
## Start-KafkaConsumer
## Start-KafkaConsumer [-TopicName] <String[]> [-BrokerList] <String[]>
## [[-Instances] <UInt16>] [[-Arguments] <String>] [[-ConsumerGroup]
## <String>] [[-MessageCount] <UInt64>] [-Persist] [-FromBeginning]
## [<CommonParameters>]
## Starts a Kafka consumer process in a dedicated thread.
## To see the examples, type: "get-help Start-KafkaConsumer -examples".
## For more information, type: "get-help Start-KafkaConsumer -detailed".
## For technical information, type: "get-help Start-KafkaConsumer -full".
- A Kafka instance (if you don’t have one, follow steps 1-3 of the Kafka quickstart guide).
- Powershell v5+ (if you’re on a non-Windows system, install Powershell Core).
- The
module (ships with Powershell Core; if necessary, install withInstall-Module -Name 'ThreadJob'
). - The
module, of course –> install withInstall-Module -Name 'pskafka'
You will also need a local Kafka command-line interface, either
kafkacat or the standard Kafka
CLI. pskafka
ships with compiled builds of kafkacat v1.4.0RC1 for
Debian Linux, Mac, and Windows. Either CLI has dependencies of its own
that may need to be resolved; consult the documentation if necessary.
First, get a list of all existing topics.
Using the Kafka CLI:
~/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost --list
Using kafkacat:
./bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost -L
Using pskafka:
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
Get-KafkaTopics -BrokerList localhost -Verbose
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost -L
## __consumer_offsets
## test
## test_two
Notice that, with -Verbose
specified, any pskafka command will output
the command issued to either CLI. Above, kafkacat was used, which ships
with pskafka. To use the Java-based Kafka CLI, or another instance of
kafkacat, specify the path in KAFKA_HOME
. pskafka provides the command
, which will set KAFKA_HOME
for the session.
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
Set-KafkaHome '~/kafka'
Get-KafkaTopics -BrokerList localhost -Verbose
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost --list
## __consumer_offsets
## test
## test_two
When producing streams of messages, Kafka does so more efficiently by queueing up messages until a specified message count has been reached or time period has elapsed. A batch of messages is sent when one of either threshold is reached.
Producing with the Kafka CLI:
0..9999 |
Select-Object @{Name='TsTicks';Expression={(Get-Date).Ticks}}, `
@{Name='Message'; Expression={ 'Hello world #' + $_.ToString() }} |
ForEach-Object { $_ | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress } |
~/kafka/bin/ --broker-list 'localhost:9092' --topic 'test' --batch-size 100 --timeout 1000 | Out-Null
Producing with kafkacat:
0..9999 |
Select-Object @{Name='TsTicks';Expression={(Get-Date).Ticks}}, `
@{Name='Message'; Expression={ 'Hello world #' + $_.ToString() }} |
ForEach-Object { $_ | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress } |
./bin/deb/kafkacat -b 'localhost:9092' -t 'test' -P -X queue.buffering.max.messages=100,
Producing with pskafka using Out-KafkaTopic
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
0..9999 |
Select-Object @{Name='TsTicks';Expression={(Get-Date).Ticks}}, `
@{Name='Message'; Expression={ 'Hello world #' + $_.ToString() }} |
Out-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -BatchSize 100 -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t test -P -X message.send.max.retries=3,,queue.buffering.max.messages=100
Persistent Producer
A useful feature of pskafka is the ability to start a Kafka CLI producer and write to it later. This allows for a more flexible workflow, such as writing messages to Kafka topic(s) given a condition. The example below first starts a Kafka producer, produces messages for a short duration, then stops the producer.
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
# start producer process
$p = Start-KafkaProducer -TopicName 'test' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -BatchSize 100 -TimeoutMS 1000 -Verbose
# start a timer
$timer = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
for ($i = 0; $timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt 5; $i++)
$obj = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
'Message'="Hello Kafka #$i"
# write to producer process over STDIN.
$obj | Out-KafkaTopic -Producer $p
# stop timer
# stop producer
$p | Stop-KafkaProducer | Out-Null
Write-Host $("Produced {0} messages in {1} seconds." -f $i, [math]::Round($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, 2))
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t test -P -X message.send.max.retries=3,,queue.buffering.max.messages=100
## Produced 4086 messages in 5 seconds.
Kafka consumers read messages from a topic. A consumer starts reading from a specific offset, which is typically either:
- latest offset; the end of the topic messages (default).
- earliest offset; the beginning of the topic messages.
- stored offset; the offset stored for a consumer group.
A useful feature of Kafka is its ability to efficiently store offsets for consumers in a “consumer group”. A stored offset allows a consumer to beginning reading where it last left off. In addition, all consumers in a group share the workload across Kafka topic partitions; no single message is sent to two consumers in the same group.
Simple Consumer
Offsets are not committed for a simple consumer, so a simple consumer will either begin reading from the end of a topic (default) or the beginning (if specified).
Consuming with Kafka CLI:
$messages = ~/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server 'localhost:9092' --topic 'test' --max-messages 1000 --from-beginning
Write-Host $("{0} total messages consumed" -f $messages.Length)
## Processed a total of 1000 messages
## 1000 total messages consumed
Consuming with kafkacat:
$messages = ./bin/deb/kafkacat -C -b 'localhost:9092' -t 'test' -o beginning -c 1000
Write-Host $("{0} total messages consumed" -f $messages.Length)
## 1000 total messages consumed
Consuming with pskafka:
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
$messages = Read-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -MessageCount 1000 -FromBeginning -Verbose
Write-Host $("{0} total messages consumed" -f $messages.Length)
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -q -u -o beginning -c 1000 -e -C -t test
## 1000 total messages consumed
Consuming with pskafka (multiple consumers):
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
$messages = Read-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -Instances 3 -MessageCount 1000 -FromBeginning -Verbose
Write-Host $("{0} total messages consumed" -f $messages.Length)
Write-Host $("{0} unique messages consumed" -f @($messages | Select-Object -Unique).Length)
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -q -u -o beginning -c 1000 -e -C -t test
## 3000 total messages consumed
## 1000 unique messages consumed
In the example above, notice how three consumers were created
(-Instances 3
), and 3,000 messages were consumed, but only 1,000 of
the messages are unique. This is because each consumer received the same
set of messages from the topic.
Consuming with pskafka (multiple consumers in consumer group):
In the example below, the three consumers are made part of the same
consumer group with the -ConsumerGroup
parameter. Thus, all of the
3,000 consumed messages are distinct; i.e., each consumer received a
unique set of messages from the topic.
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
$messages = Read-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -ConsumerGroup 'my_consumer_group' -Instances 3 -MessageCount 1000 -FromBeginning -Verbose
Write-Host $("{0} total messages consumed" -f $messages.Length)
Write-Host $("{0} unique messages consumed" -f @($messages | Select-Object -Unique).Length)
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -q -u -X auto.offset.reset=earliest -c 1000 -e -G my_consumer_group test
## 3000 total messages consumed
## 3000 unique messages consumed
Note that
is only applicable for a consumer group that does not already have a stored offset to read from.
MultiTopic Consumer
Specify an array of topic names to -TopicName
in order to spawn a
consumer for each topic. If -Instances
is greater than 1, each topic
will get the number of instances (e.g., 3 topics w/ 2 instances each = 6
total instances).
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
$one = Read-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -FromBeginning -Verbose |
Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
$two = Read-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test_two' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -FromBeginning -Verbose |
Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
$one_and_two = Read-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test','test_two' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -FromBeginning -Verbose |
Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
($one + $two) -eq $one_and_two
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -q -u -o beginning -e -C -t test
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -q -u -o beginning -e -C -t test_two
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -q -u -o beginning -e -C -t test
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -q -u -o beginning -e -C -t test_two
## True
Persistent Consumer
By default, a consumer will exit soon after all topic messages have been
processed. Include the -Persist
parameter to instruct a consumer
persist after reaching the end of a topic. The parameter -TimeoutMS
instructs the consumer to exit if no messages have been received within
the specified duration. Without this, the consumer would persist
indefinitely, passing messages down the pipeline as they arrive.
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
Read-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -ConsumerGroup 'my_consumer_group_3' -Instances 3 -FromBeginning -Persist -TimeoutMS 30000 -Verbose |
ForEach-Object `
-Begin {
$timer = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
} `
-Process {
if ($i % 10000 -eq 0) {
Write-Host $( '{0} msg/sec; {1} total messages.' -f ($i / $timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds ).ToString(), $i )
} `
-End {
Write-Host "Consumed $i total messages."
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -q -u -X auto.offset.reset=earliest -G my_consumer_group_3 test
## 1726.00749473878 msg/sec; 10000 total messages.
## 2323.40185529447 msg/sec; 20000 total messages.
## 2735.28886428345 msg/sec; 30000 total messages.
## Consumed 34086 total messages.
Consumer Threads
The command Read-KafkaTopic
actually encapsulates three aptly-named
: invokes consumer processes in separate threads; consumers immediately begin consuming messages in background threads. -
: reads and clears the output streams from a thread. -
: stops a thread.
The object returned from Start-KafkaConsumer
is a
ThreadJob that is compatible
with the standard Powershell commands (Get-Job
, Wait-Job
). In fact, the commands Get-KafkaConsumer
, and Receive-KafkaConsumer
are just aliases to
these native Powershell commands.
It is very easy to start a background consumer with
and never read from or stop it. If this happens,
the consumer could read an unbounded number of messages until system
resources are exceeded. Be responsible with calls to
by following up with Read-KafkaConsumer
. When in doubt, kill all background jobs using
Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force
Powershell Object Example
Earlier, I alluded to Powershell’s powerful object-oriented approach to the shell. I’ll conclude this walkthrough with an example that illustrates this. The following example:
- reads messages in JSON format.
- converts them to a Powershell object.
- augments the original message.
- outputs new message to Kafka.
- outputs new message to a local CSV file.
Import-Module ./pskafka.psd1
Read-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -FromBeginning -MessageCount 100 -Verbose |
ConvertFrom-Json |
Select-Object *, @{Name='Timestamp'; Expression={ ([datetime]$_['TsTicks']).ToLongTimeString() }} |
Out-KafkaTopic -TopicName 'test_two' -BrokerList 'localhost:9092' -BatchSize 100 -PassThru -Verbose |
Export-Csv 'test.csv'
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -q -u -o beginning -c 100 -e -C -t test
## VERBOSE: /home/donald/dev/pwsh/pskafka/bin/deb/kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t test_two -P -X message.send.max.retries=3,,queue.buffering.max.messages=100