SCIMAI-Gym copied to clipboard
A Python library for addressing the Supply Chain Inventory Management problem through Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms.
Author Information
AUTHOR: Francesco Stranieri
INSTITUTION: University of Milano-Bicocca/Polytechnic of Turin
EMAIL: [email protected]
BibTeX Citation
If you use SCIMAI-Gym in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations using the following format:
title = {Combining deep reinforcement learning and multi-stage stochastic programming to address the supply chain inventory management problem},
volume = {268},
ISSN = {0925-5273},
url = {},
DOI = {10.1016/j.ijpe.2023.109099},
journal = {International Journal of Production Economics},
publisher = {Elsevier BV},
author = {Stranieri, Francesco and Fadda, Edoardo and Stella, Fabio},
year = {2024},
month = feb,
pages = {109099}
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2204.09603},
url = {},
author = {Stranieri, Francesco and Stella, Fabio},
keywords = {Machine Learning (cs.LG), Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI), Optimization and Control (math.OC), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Mathematics, FOS: Mathematics, 68T07 (Primary), 90B06, 90B05 (Secondary)},
title = {Comparing Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms in Two-Echelon Supply Chains},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2022},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}
❗️ The following steps refer to the file
To install and import necessary libraries, run the section:
Environment Setup
The code was tested with:
- Python 3.7
- Gym 0.19.0
- Ray 1.5.2
- Ax 0.2.1
- Matplotlib 3.4.3
Supply Chain Environment
To set up the Supply Chain Environment, run the section:
Reinforcement Learning Classes
📋 To change the configuration of the Supply Chain Environment (e.g., the number of product types, the number of distribution warehouses, costs, or capacities), edit the sub-section:
Supply Chain Environment Class
📋 To change the global parameters (e.g., the seed for reproducibility, the number of episodes for the simulations, or the directory to save plots), edit and run the section:
Global Parameters
Then, to initialize the Supply Chain Environment, run the section:
Supply Chain Environment Initialization
❗️ The output of this section will have the following format. Verify that the values are the same as the ones you defined.
--- SupplyChainEnvironment --- __init__
product_types_num is 1
distr_warehouses_num is 1
T is 25
d_max is [10]
d_var is [2]
sale_prices is [15]
production_costs is [5]
storage_capacities is [[5] [10]]
storage_costs is [[2] [1]]
transportation_costs is [[0.25]]
penalty_costs is [22.5]
Finally, to have some fundamental methods (e.g., the simulator or the plotting methods), run the section:
To assess the DRL algorithms' performance, we established two different baselines. To initialize the Oracle and the (s, Q)-policy, run the sections:
(s, Q)-Policy Class
(s, Q)-Policy Config [Ax]
📋 To change the (s, Q)-policy parameters (e.g., the total trials for the optimization or the number of episodes for each trial), edit the sub-section:
Parameters [Ax]
Finally, to have some fundamental methods (e.g., the methods for the Bayesian Optimization (BO) training or the plotting methods), run the section:
(s, Q)-Policy Methods [Ax]
Train BO Agent
To train the BO agent, run the section:
(s, Q)-Policy Optimize [Ax]
DRL Config
To change the DRL algorithms' parameters (e.g., the training episodes or the grace period for the ASHA scheduler), edit and run the sub-section:
Parameters [Tune]
📋 To change the DRL algorithms' hyperparameters (e.g., the neural network structure, the learning rate, or the batch size), edit and run the sub-sections:
Algorithms [Tune]
A3C Config [Tune]
PG Config [Tune]
PPO Config [Tune]
Finally, to have some fundamental methods (e.g., the methods for the DRL agents' training or the plotting methods), run the section:
Reinforcement Learning Methods [Tune]
Train DRL Agents
To train the DRL agents, run the section:
Reinforcement Learning Train Agents [Tune]
❗️ We upload the checkpoints of the best training instance for each approach and experiment, which can be used as a pre-trained model. For example, the checkpoint related to Exp 1 of the 1P3W scenario for the A3C algorithm is available at
/Paper_Results/ECML-PKDD_2023_1P3W/1P3W/Exp_1/1P3W_2021-09-22_15-55-24/ray_results/A3C_2021-09-22_19-56-24/A3C_SupplyChain_2a2cf_00024_24_grad_clip=20.0,lr=0.001,fcnet_hiddens=[64, 64],rollout_fragment_length=100,train_batch_size=2000_2021-09-22_22-34-50/checkpoint_000286/checkpoint-286
To output the performance (in terms of cumulative profit) and the training time (in minutes) of the DRL algorithms, run the section:
Final Results
❗️ We save the plots of the best training instance for each approach and experiment. For example, the plots related to Exp 1 of the 1P3W scenario are available at
The results obtained should be comparable with those in the paper. For example, for the 1P1W scenario, we achieve the following performance:
A3C | PPO | VPG | BO | Oracle | |
Exp 1 | 870±67 | 1213±68 | 885±66 | 1226±71 | 1474±45 |
Exp 2 | 1066±94 | 1163±66 | 1100±77 | 1224±60 | 1289±68 |
Exp 3 | −36±74 | 195±43 | 12±61 | 101±50 | 345±18 |
Exp 4 | 1317±60 | 1600±62 | 883±95 | 1633±39 | 2046±37 |
Exp 5 | 736±45 | 838±58 | 789±51 | 870±67 | 966±55 |