vscode-notion copied to clipboard
Couldn't load the data from API
While opening a notion page it shows the above error. I've added the image below.
So is there no way to get it to work?
I found a possible solution.
You can change the API url in the setting.json from "VSCodeNotion.api": "https://notion-api.frenco.dev"
to VSCodeNotion: https://notion-api.splitbee.io/
then you have the access of yours notion's pages as long you have set the API token, that you can get in Inspect > Application > Cookies > https://notion.so > token_v2 directly in your own browser.
For more information about this you can access the following link https://github.com/splitbee/notion-api-worker.
I hope this can help you out.
Thanks, it works for me
I'm getting Couldn't load the data from API.
when using this api with private pages, any chance I'm missing something? I've copied the token out of the browser, and public pages work fine. It's just private pages that show this error.
I have tried to change the api-url to "VSCodeNotion: https://notion-api.splitbee.io/" and "https://notion-api.splitbee.io/" while typing the token_v2 value to "open a page" button. But it shows other errors╥﹏╥
when I use "VSCodeNotion:https://notion-api.splitbee.io/", I got "connect ECONNREFUSED"
when I use "https://notion-api.splitbee.io/", I got "write EPROTO 28987784:error:100000f7:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:../../third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/tls_record.cc:242: "
How can I fix it?? Any Help can be appreciated!