push-form icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
push-form copied to clipboard

Zero-effort nanomodule to submit a `<form>` element via `fetch` and receive the response


Like form.submit(), but ajaxed. Lightweight, modern, promisified, uses fetch

Instead of causing a page load like form.submit() does, you can use pushForm(form) to send a form via fetch. It automatically reads all the fields using modern APIs and performs the request exactly as described by the form attributes.


npm install push-form
// This module is only offered as a ES Module
import pushForm from 'push-form';


Given a regular form element:

<form action="submissions.php" type="post">
	First name <input name="firstname" required /><br />
	Last name <input name="lastname" required /><br />
	Passport <input name="passport" type="file" required />

You can post it via fetch with:

import pushForm from 'push-form';

const form = document.querySelector('form');
form.addEventListener('submit', async event => {
	const response = await pushForm();
	if (response.ok) {
		alert('Thanks for your submission!');

Or use ajaxifyForm to have it handle the user submission automatically:

import {ajaxifyForm} from 'push-form';

const form = document.querySelector('form');
ajaxifyForm(form, {
	onSuccess: () => {/* ✅ */},
	onError: () => {/* ❌ */},


pushForm(formElement, requestInit)

Returns a Promise that resolves with a Response exactly as fetch does.


Type: HTMLFormElement

The form to submit. Its action and method attributes will be used to create the HTTP request.


Type: object
Example: {headers: {Accept: 'application/json'}}

This matches the second parameter of fetch, however the body and method will be overridden with what the form element specifies in its attributes.

ajaxifyForm(formElement, options)

Stops the submit event of a form and uses pushForm instead. This returns a function that you can call to remove the submit handler.


Same as the one in pushForm


Type: object

Optional submission/error handlers and configuration for the fetch.


Type: function
Example: (fetchResponse) => {alert('The form was submitted!')}

It will be called when fetch makes the request and the server returns a successful response (response.ok)


Type: function
Example: (error) => {alert('Something happened:' + error.message)}

It will be called when fetch fails the request or if the server returns an error response (response.ok === false)


Same as the one in pushForm.


  • select-dom - Lightweight querySelector/All wrapper that outputs an Array.
  • doma - Parse an HTML string into DocumentFragment or one Element, in a few bytes.
  • Refined GitHub - Uses this module.