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Tools to convert Illumina IDAT/BPM/EGT/GTC and Affymetrix CEL/CHP files to VCF
A set of tools to convert Illumina and Affymetrix DNA microarray intensity data files into VCF files without using Microsoft Windows. You can use the final output to run the pipeline to detect mosaic chromosomal alterations. If you use this tool in your publication, please cite this website. For any feedback or questions, contact the author
WARNING: do not use the conda bcftools-gtc2vcf-plugin version 1.9 as it is neither updated nor supported. The current version of gtc2vcf requires BCFtools 1.14 or newer
- Usage
- Installation
- Software Installation
- Identifying chip type for IDAT and CEL files
- Convert Illumina IDAT files to GTC files
- Convert Illumina GTC files to VCF
- Convert Affymetrix CEL files to CHP files
- Convert Affymetrix CHP files to VCF
- Using an alternative genome reference
- Plot variants
- Acknowledgements
Illumina data tool:
Usage: bcftools +gtc2vcf [options] [<A.gtc> ...]
Plugin options:
-l, --list-tags list available FORMAT tags with description for VCF output
-t, --tags LIST list of output FORMAT tags [GT,GQ,IGC,BAF,LRR,NORMX,NORMY,R,THETA,X,Y]
-b, --bpm <file> BPM manifest file
-c, --csv <file> CSV manifest file (can be gzip compressed)
-e, --egt <file> EGT cluster file
-f, --fasta-ref <file> reference sequence in fasta format
--set-cache-size <int> select fasta cache size in bytes
--gc-window-size <int> window size in bp used to compute the GC content (-1 for no estimate) [200]
-g, --gtcs <dir|file> GTC genotype files from directory or list from file
-i, --idat input IDAT files rather than GTC files
--capacity <int> number of variants to read from intensity files per I/O operation [32768]
--adjust-clusters adjust cluster centers in (Theta, R) space (requires --bpm and --egt)
--use-gtc-sample-names use sample name in GTC files rather than GTC file name
--do-not-check-bpm do not check whether BPM and GTC files match manifest file name
--genome-studio <file> input a GenomeStudio final report file (in matrix format)
--no-version do not append version and command line to the header
-o, --output <file> write output to a file [standard output]
-O, --output-type u|b|v|z|t[0-9] u/b: un/compressed BCF, v/z: un/compressed VCF
t: GenomeStudio tab-delimited text output, 0-9: compression level [v]
--threads <int> number of extra output compression threads [0]
-x, --extra <file> write GTC metadata to a file
-v, --verbose print verbose information
Manifest options:
--beadset-order output BeadSetID normalization order (requires --bpm and --csv)
--fasta-flank output flank sequence in FASTA format (requires --csv)
-s, --sam-flank <file> input flank sequence alignment in SAM/BAM format (requires --csv)
--genome-build <assembly> genome build ID used to update the manifest file [GRCh38]
bcftools +gtc2vcf -i 5434246082_R03C01_Grn.idat
bcftools +gtc2vcf 5434246082_R03C01.gtc
bcftools +gtc2vcf -b HumanOmni2.5-4v1_H.bpm -c HumanOmni2.5-4v1_H.csv
bcftools +gtc2vcf -e HumanOmni2.5-4v1_H.egt
bcftools +gtc2vcf -c GSA-24v3-0_A1.csv -e GSA-24v3-0_A1_ClusterFile.egt -f human_g1k_v37.fasta -o GSA-24v3-0_A1.vcf
bcftools +gtc2vcf -c HumanOmni2.5-4v1_H.csv -f human_g1k_v37.fasta 5434246082_R03C01.gtc -o 5434246082_R03C01.vcf
bcftools +gtc2vcf -f human_g1k_v37.fasta --genome-studio GenotypeReport.txt -o GenotypeReport.vcf
Examples of manifest file options:
bcftools +gtc2vcf -b GSA-24v3-0_A1.bpm -c GSA-24v3-0_A1.csv --beadset-order
bcftools +gtc2vcf -c GSA-24v3-0_A1.csv --fasta-flank -o GSA-24v3-0_A1.fasta
bwa mem -M GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna GSA-24v3-0_A1.fasta -o GSA-24v3-0_A1.sam
bcftools +gtc2vcf -c GSA-24v3-0_A1.csv --sam-flank GSA-24v3-0_A1.sam -o GSA-24v3-0_A1.GRCh38.csv
Affymetrix data tool:
Usage: bcftools +affy2vcf [options] --csv <file> --fasta-ref <file> [<A.chp> ...]
Plugin options:
-l, --list-tags list available FORMAT tags with description for VCF output
-t, --tags LIST list of output FORMAT tags [GT,CONF,BAF,LRR,NORMX,NORMY,DELTA,SIZE]
-c, --csv <file> CSV manifest file (can be gzip compressed)
-f, --fasta-ref <file> reference sequence in fasta format
--set-cache-size <int> select fasta cache size in bytes
--gc-window-size <int> window size in bp used to compute the GC content (-1 for no estimate) [200]
--probeset-ids tab delimited file with column 'probeset_id' specifying probesets to convert
--calls <file> apt-probeset-genotype calls output (can be gzip compressed)
--confidences <file> apt-probeset-genotype confidences output (can be gzip compressed)
--summary <file> apt-probeset-genotype summary output (can be gzip compressed)
--snp <file> apt-probeset-genotype SNP posteriors output (can be gzip compressed)
--chps <dir|file> input CHP files rather than tab delimited files
--cel <file> input CEL files rather CHP files
--adjust-clusters adjust cluster centers in (Contrast, Size) space (requires --snp)
--no-version do not append version and command line to the header
-o, --output <file> write output to a file [standard output]
-O, --output-type u|b|v|z[0-9] u/b: un/compressed BCF, v/z: un/compressed VCF, 0-9: compression level [v]
--threads <int> number of extra output compression threads [0]
-x, --extra <file> write CHP metadata to a file (requires CHP files)
-v, --verbose print verbose information
Manifest options:
--fasta-flank output flank sequence in FASTA format (requires --csv)
-s, --sam-flank <file> input flank sequence alignment in SAM/BAM format (requires --csv)
bcftools +affy2vcf \
--csv GenomeWideSNP_6.na35.annot.csv \
--fasta-ref human_g1k_v37.fasta \
--chps cc-chp/ \
--snp AxiomGT1.snp-posteriors.txt \
--output AxiomGT1.vcf \
--extra report.tsv
bcftools +affy2vcf \
--csv GenomeWideSNP_6.na35.annot.csv \
--fasta-ref human_g1k_v37.fasta \
--calls AxiomGT1.calls.txt \
--confidences AxiomGT1.confidences.txt \
--summary AxiomGT1.summary.txt \
--snp AxiomGT1.snp-posteriors.txt \
--output AxiomGT1.vcf
Examples of manifest file options:
bcftools +affy2vcf -c GenomeWideSNP_6.na35.annot.csv --fasta-flank -o GenomeWideSNP_6.fasta
bwa mem -M GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna GenomeWideSNP_6.fasta -o GenomeWideSNP_6.sam
bcftools +affy2vcf -c GenomeWideSNP_6.na35.annot.csv -s GenomeWideSNP_6.sam -o GenomeWideSNP_6.na35.annot.GRCh38.csv
Install basic tools (Debian/Ubuntu specific if you have admin privileges)
sudo apt install wget unzip git g++ zlib1g-dev bwa unzip samtools msitools cabextract mono-devel libgdiplus icu-devtools bcftools
Optionally, you can install these libraries to activate further HTSlib features
sudo apt install libbz2-dev libssl-dev liblzma-dev libgsl0-dev
Preparation steps
mkdir -p $HOME/bin $HOME/GRCh3[78] && cd /tmp
We recommend compiling the source code but, wherever this is not possible, Linux x86_64 pre-compiled binaries are available for download here. However, notice that you will require BCFtools version 1.14 or newer
Download latest version of HTSlib and BCFtools (if not downloaded already)
git clone --branch=develop --recurse-submodules git://
git clone --branch=develop git://
Download plugins code
/bin/rm -f bcftools/plugins/{gtc2vcf.{c,h},affy2vcf.c}
wget -P bcftools/plugins{gtc2vcf.{c,h},affy2vcf.c}
Compile latest version of HTSlib (optionally disable bz2, gcs, and lzma) and BCFtools (make sure you are using gcc version 5 or newer)
cd htslib && autoheader && (autoconf || autoconf) && ./configure --disable-bz2 --disable-gcs --disable-lzma && make && cd ..
cd bcftools && make && cd ..
/bin/cp bcftools/{bcftools,plugins/{gtc,affy}} $HOME/bin/
Make sure the directory with the plugins is available to bcftools
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
Alternatively, you can download gtc2vcf's binaries using the following code
sudo apt remove gtc2vcf
sudo apt install --reinstall ./{libhts3_1.13+ds-2,bcftools_1.13-1,gtc2vcf_1.13-dev}_amd64.deb
Install the GRCh37 human genome reference
wget -O- | \
gzip -d > $HOME/GRCh37/human_g1k_v37.fasta
samtools faidx $HOME/GRCh37/human_g1k_v37.fasta
bwa index $HOME/GRCh37/human_g1k_v37.fasta
Install the GRCh38 human genome reference (following the suggestion from Heng Li)
wget -O- | \
gzip -d > $HOME/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna
samtools faidx $HOME/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna
bwa index $HOME/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna
Software Installation
Illumina provides the Illumina Array Analysis Platform software for free and this includes the iaap-cli command line executable which runs natively on Linux
mkdir -p $HOME/bin && cd /tmp
wget ftp://webdata2:[email protected]/downloads/software/iaap/iaap-cli-linux-x64-1.1.0.tar.gz
tar xzvf iaap-cli-linux-x64-1.1.0.tar.gz -C $HOME/bin/ iaap-cli-linux-x64-1.1.0/iaap-cli --strip-components=1
However, notice that in some older Linux machines this approach does not work and at the time of this writing iaap-cli is unable to read old BPM manifest files yielding error Unknown Manifest version
, while the AutoConvert command line tool does not have this limitation
Illumina also provides the Beeline software for free and this includes the AutoConvert.exe command line executable which allows to call genotypes from raw intensity data using Illumina's proprietary GenCall algorithm. AutoConvert is almost entirely written in Mono/.Net language, with the exception of one small mathmatical function (findClosestSitesToPointsAlongAxis) which is contained instead within a Windows PE32+ library (MathRoutines.dll). As this is unmanaged code, to be run on Linux with Mono it needs to be embedded in an equivalent Linux ELF64 library ( as shown below. This function is run as part of the normalization of the raw intensities when sampling 400 candidate homozygotes before calling genotypes. For some unclear reasons, you will also need to separately download an additional Mono/.Net library (Heatmap.dll) from GenomeStudio and include it in your binary directory as shown below, most likely due to differences in which Mono and .Net resolve library dependencies
mkdir -p $HOME/bin && cd /tmp
unzip -o
msiextract AutoConvertInstaller.msi
cp -R Illumina/AutoConvert\ 2.0 $HOME/bin/autoconvert
wget ftp://webdata2:[email protected]/downloads/software/genomestudio/
unzip -oj
cabextract GenomeStudioInstaller.exe
msiextract a0
cp Illumina/GenomeStudio\ 2.0/Heatmap.dll $HOME/bin/autoconvert/
gcc -fPIC -shared -O2 -o $HOME/bin/autoconvert/ nearest_neighbor.c
If you fail to download the autoconvert software, contact the author for troubleshooting. Notice that this approach to run AutoConvert on Linux is not supported by Illumina
Affymetrix provides the Analysis Power Tools (APT) for free which allow to call genotypes from raw intensity data using an algorithm derived from BRLMM-P
mkdir -p $HOME/bin && cd /tmp
unzip -ojd $HOME/bin apt_2.11.4_linux_64_bit_x86_binaries/bin/apt-probeset-genotype
chmod a+x $HOME/bin/apt-probeset-genotype
Identifying chip type for IDAT and CEL files
To convert a pair of green and red IDAT files with raw Illumina intensities into a GTC file with genotype calls you need to provide both a BPM manifest file with the location of the probes and an EGT cluster file with the expected intensities of each genotype cluster. It is important to provide the correct BPM and EGT files otherwise the calling will fail possibly generating a GTC file with meaningless calls. Unfortunately newer IDAT files do not contain information about which BPM manifest file to use. The gtc2vcf bcftools plugin can be used to guess which files to use
bcftools +gtc2vcf \
-i -g $path_to_idat_folder
This will generate a spreadsheet table with information about each IDAT file including a guess for what manifest and cluster files you should use. If a guess is not provided, contact the author for troubleshooting
Similarly, you can use the affy2vcf bcftools plugin to extract chip type information from CEL files
bcftools +affy2vcf \
--cel --chps $path_to_cel_folder
Convert Illumina IDAT files to GTC files
Once iaap-cli is properly installed in your system, run Illumina's proprietary GenCall algorithm on multiple IDAT file pairs
CLR_ICU_VERSION_OVERRIDE="$(uconv -V | sed 's/.* //g')" LANG="en_US.UTF-8" $HOME/bin/iaap-cli/iaap-cli \
gencall \
$bpm_manifest_file \
$egt_cluster_file \
$path_to_output_folder \
--idat-folder $path_to_idat_folder \
--output-gtc \
--gender-estimate-call-rate-threshold -0.1
It is important to set the LANG
environmental variable to en_US.UTF-8
, if this is set to other values, due to a bug in iaap-cli
causing malformed GTC files to be generated as a result
Alternatively, once Mono and AutoConvert are properly installed on your system, run Illumina's proprietary GenCall algorithm on a single IDAT file pair
mono $HOME/bin/autoconvert/AutoConvert.exe \
$idat_green_file \
$path_to_output_folder \
$bpm_manifest_file \
Make sure that the red IDAT file is in the same folder as the green IDAT file. Alternatively you can run on multiple IDAT file pairs
mono $HOME/bin/autoconvert/AutoConvert.exe \
$path_to_idat_folder \
$path_to_output_folder \
$bpm_manifest_file \
Make sure that the IDAT files have the same name prefix as the IDAT folder name. The software might require up to 8GB of RAM to run. Illumina provides manifest (BPM) and cluster (EGT) files for their arrays here. Notice that if you provide the wrong BPM file, you will get an error such as: Normalization failed! Unable to normalize!
and if you provide the wrong EGT file, you will get an error such as System.Exception: Unrecoverable Error...Exiting! Unable to find manifest entry ######## in the cluster file!
Some users have encountered an issue when running Mono going along with the following error:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Drawing.KnownColors' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Drawing.GDIPlus' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException:
The problem is related to the fact that you or your system administrator did not install the GDIPlus library. If this is the case, you can manually download an old binary version of the library together with some of its dependencis that should be compatible with your system using the following hack:
mkdir -p lib
ar x libgdiplus_2.10-2_amd64.deb data.tar.gz
tar xzf data.tar.gz -C lib ./usr/lib/ --strip-components=3
ln -s lib/
ar x libtiff4_3.9.5-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb data.tar.gz
tar xzf data.tar.gz -C lib ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ --strip-components=4
ln -s lib/
ar x libexif12_0.6.20-1_amd64.deb data.tar.gz
tar xzf data.tar.gz -C lib ./usr/lib/ --strip-components=3
ln -s lib/
ar x libjpeg8_8b-1_amd64.deb data.tar.gz
tar xzf data.tar.gz -C lib ./usr/lib/ --strip-components=3
ln -s lib/
ar x libpng12-0_1.2.46-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb data.tar.gz
tar xzf data.tar.gz -C lib ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ --strip-components=3
ln -s lib/
/bin/rm lib{gdiplus_2.10-2,tiff4_3.9.5-1ubuntu1,exif12_0.6.20-1,jpeg8_8b-1,png12-0_1.2.46-3ubuntu1}_amd64.deb data.tar.gz
After downloading the binaries, replace mono
with LD_LIBRARY_PATH="lib" mono
when running AutoConvert through Mono
Convert Illumina GTC files to VCF
Specifications for Illumina BPM, EGT, and GTC files were obtained through Illumina's BeadArrayFiles library and GTCtoVCF script. Specifications for IDAT files were obtained through Henrik Bengtsson's illuminaio package
ref="$HOME/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna" # or ref="$HOME/GRCh37/human_g1k_v37.fasta"
bcftools +gtc2vcf \
--no-version -Ou \
--bpm $bpm_manifest_file \
--csv $csv_manifest_file \
--egt $egt_cluster_file \
--gtcs $path_to_gtc_folder \
--fasta-ref $ref \
--extra $out_prefix.tsv | \
bcftools sort -Ou -T ./bcftools-sort.XXXXXX | \
bcftools norm --no-version -Ob -c x -f $ref | \
tee $out_prefix.bcf | \
bcftools index --force --output $out_prefix.bcf.csi
Heavy random access to the reference will be needed, so it is important that enough extra memory be available for the operating system to cache the reference or else the task can run excruciatingly slowly. Notice that the gtc2vcf bcftools plugin will drop unlocalized variants. The final VCF might contain duplicates. If this is an issue bcftools norm -d exact
can be used to remove such variants. At least one of the BPM or the CSV manifest files has to be provided. Normalized intensities cannot be computed without the BPM manifest file. Indel alleles cannot be inferred and will be skipped without the CSV manifest file. Information about genotype cluster centers will be included in the VCF if the EGT cluster file is provided. You can use gtc2vcf to convert one GTC file at a time, but we strongly advise to convert multiple files at once as single sample VCF files will consume a lot of storage space. If you convert hundreds of GTC files at once, you can use the --adjust-clusters
option which will recenter the genotype clusters rather than using those provided in the EGT cluster file and will compute less noisy LRR values. If you use the --adjust-clusters
option and you are using the output for calling mosaic chromosomal alterations, then it is safe to turn the median BAF/LRR adjustments off during that step (i.e. use --adjust-BAF-LRR -1
Optionally, between the conversion and the sorting step you can include a bcftools reheader --samples <file>
command to assign new names to the samples where <file>
contains old_name new_name\n
pairs separated by whitespaces, each on a separate line, with old_name
being the GTC file name without the .gtc
extension in this case
When running the conversion, the gtc2vcf plugin will double check that the SNP manifest metadata information in the GTC file matches the descriptor file name in the BPM file to make sure you are using the correct manifest file. Sometimes, due to discrepancies between the BPM file name provided by Illumina and the internal descriptor file name, this safety check fails. To turn off this feature in these cases, you can use option --do-not-check-bpm
Convert Affymetrix CEL files to CHP files
Affymetrix provides a best practice workflow for genotyping data generated using SNP6 and Axiom arrays. As an example, the following command will run the genotyping for the Affymetrix SNP6 array:
apt-probeset-genotype \
--analysis-files-path . \
--xml-file GenomeWideSNP_6.apt-probeset-genotype.AxiomGT1.xml \
--out-dir $path_to_output_folder \
--cel-files $cel_list_file \
--special-snps GenomeWideSNP_6.specialSNPs \
--chip-type GenomeWideEx_6 \
--chip-type GenomeWideSNP_6 \
--table-output false \
--cc-chp-output \
--write-models \
--read-models-brlmmp GenomeWideSNP_6.generic_prior.txt
Affymetrix provides Library and NetAffx Annotation files for their arrays (here, here, and here)
As an example, the following commands will obtain the files necessary to run the genotyping for the Affymetrix SNP6 array:
unzip -oj CD_GenomeWideSNP_6_rev3/Full/GenomeWideSNP_6/LibFiles/GenomeWideSNP_6.{cdf,chrXprobes,chrYprobes,specialSNPs}
unzip -o GenomeWideSNP_6.{generic_prior.txt,apt-probeset-genotype.AxiomGT1.xml,AxiomGT1.sketch}
unzip -o GenomeWideSNP_6.na35.annot.csv
Note: If the program exits due to different chip types or probe counts with error message such as Wrong CEL ChipType: expecting: 'GenomeWideSNP_6' and #######.CEL is: 'GenomeWideEx_6'
then make sure you included the option --chip-type GenomeWideEx_6 --chip-type GenomeWideSNP_6
or --force
to the command line to solve the problem
Convert Affymetrix CHP files to VCF
The affy2vcf bcftools plugin can be used to convert Affymetrix CHP files to VCF
csv_manifest_file="..." # for example csv_manifest_file="GenomeWideSNP_6.na35.annot.csv"
ref="$HOME/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna" # or ref="$HOME/GRCh37/human_g1k_v37.fasta"
bcftools +affy2vcf \
--no-version -Ou \
--csv $csv_manifest_file \
--fasta-ref $ref \
--chps $path_to_chp_folder \
--snp $path_to_txt_folder/AxiomGT1.snp-posteriors.txt \
--extra $out_prefix.tsv | \
bcftools sort -Ou -T ./bcftools-sort.XXXXXX | \
bcftools norm --no-version -Ob -c x -f $ref | \
tee $out_prefix.bcf | \
bcftools index --force --output $out_prefix.bcf.csi
Heavy random access to the reference will be needed, so it is important that enough extra memory be available for the operating system to cache the reference or else the task can run excruciatingly slowly. The final VCF might contain duplicates. If this is an issue bcftools norm -d exact
can be used to remove such variants. There is often no need to use the --adjust-clusters
option for Affymetrix data as the cluster posteriors are already adjusted using the data processed by the genotype caller
Optionally, between the conversion and the sorting step you can include a bcftools reheader --samples <file>
command to assign new names to the samples where <file>
contains old_name new_name\n
pairs separated by whitespaces, each on a separate line, with old_name
being the CHP file name without the .chp
Using an alternative genome reference
Illumina provides GRCh38/hg38 manifests for many of its genotyping arrays. However, if your genotyping array is not supported for the newer reference by Illumina, you can use the --fasta-flank
and --sam-flank
options to realign the flank sequences from the manifest files you have and recompute the marker positions. This approach uses flank sequence and strand information to identify the marker coordinates. It will need a sequence aligner such as bwa
to realign the sequences and it seems to reproduce the coordinates provided from Illumina more than 99.9% of the times. Mapping information will follow the implicit dbSNP standard. Occasionally the flank sequence provided by Illumina is incorrect and it is impossible to recover the correct marker coordinate from the flank sequence alone
You first have to generate an alignment file for the flank sequences from a CSV manifest file
ref="$HOME/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna" # or ref="$HOME/GRCh37/human_g1k_v37.fasta"
bcftools +gtc2vcf \
-c $csv_manifest_file \
--fasta-flank | \
bwa mem -M $ref - | \
samtools view -bS \
-o $bam_alignment_file
Notice that you need to use the -M
option to mark shorter split hits as secondary and you should not sort the output BAM file as gtc2vcf expects it to have the sequences in the same order as in the CSV file . Then you load the alignment file while converting your GTC files to VCF including the -s $bam_alignment_file
Some older manifest files from Illumina have thousands of markers with incorrect RefStrand annotations that will lead to incorrect genotypes. While Illumina has not explained why this is the case, it still distributes incorrect manifests. If you are using one of the following manifests
We advise to either contact Illumina to demand a fixed version or to use gtc2vcf to realign the flank sequences
Also, Illumina assigns chromosomal positions to indels by first left aligning the flank sequences in an incoherent way (see here). Apparently this is incoherent enough that Illumina also cannot get the coordinates of homopolymer indels right. For example, chromosome 13 ClinVar indel rs80359507 is assigned to position 32913838 in the manifest file for the GSA-24v2-0 array, but it is assigned to position 32913837 in the manifest file for GSA-24v3-0 array (GRCh37 coordinates). If you want to trust genotypes at homopolymer indels, we advise to use gtc2vcf to realign the flank sequences
The same functionality exists for the affy2vcf tool to convert Affymetrix data
Plot variants
Install basic tools (Debian/Ubuntu specific if you have admin privileges):
sudo apt install r-cran-optparse r-cran-ggplot2 r-cran-data.table r-cran-gridextra
Download R scripts
/bin/rm -f $HOME/bin/gtc2vcf_plot.R
wget -P $HOME/bin
chmod a+x $HOME/bin/gtc2vcf_plot.R
Plot variant (for Illumina data)
gtc2vcf_plot.R \
--illumina \
--vcf input.vcf \
--chrom 11 \
--pos 66328095 \
--png rs1815739.png
Plot variant (for Affymetrix data)
gtc2vcf_plot.R \
--affymetrix \
--vcf input.vcf \
--chrom 1 \
--pos 196642233 \
--png rs800292.png
This work is supported by NIH grant R01 HG006855, NIH grant R01 MH104964, US Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Breakthrough Award W81XWH-16-1-0316 (project BC151244), and the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research