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Alerts should have comments/tags
When you start subscribing to alerts for enough different cases, sometimes you forget why you did. "What was this case from 6 months ago? Why is it significant? Why did I care back then?"
It would be useful to have a feature to allow an alert subscriber to write a short summary of the case to be included in each alert. ("My mom's co-worker's criminal case.")
(Of course, there is also something to be said for editorially-reviewed case summaries in CL/RECAP in general, &c. )
Interesting. We do that for search alerts, but don't for dockets alerts. I do prefer the simplicity of the docket alerts, but I see the value. They're probably a good way to do this. A competitive analysis would be helpful.
A thought here. We do have favorites for dockets and when you create one, you can add a note about that docket. Sort of seems like we could include that in the alert that we send and it'd help people. It'd be a heck of a hidden feature, but kind of a neat one when people found it. Hm.
Got another request for this, and I've felt the pain too. We should do it. When we do, we can tweak all alert emails to either say:
Your Note: Blah, blah, whatever Your Tags: civil, criminal, whatever
Your Note and Tags: You have not added a notes or tags to this alert. [Learn more]
Your Note: Blah, blah Your Tags: No tags yet [Learn More]
Your Note: You have not added notes to this case [Learn More] Your Tags: civil, criminal, whatever
Something like that. Maybe that'd finally get the tagging and noting features launched a bit more. The [Learn More] links could go to simple help pages, and:
- [ ] Our help pages should be updated to note that tags and comments are sent in email alerts