frida-mono-api icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
frida-mono-api copied to clipboard

All the mono c exports, ready to be used in frida!

Note: Im currently reworking
The new version will include everything from this repo & more!
Current dev branch:

This project is in a poc state. Please dont use it in production. Rather use it as inspiration :) Im open for every contribution!


This module is meant to be used inside of a frida module.
An easy injector can be found here: frida-inject

It will give you access to the mono c functions, exported by mono.
For easy use, there are some helper methods you should check out.


The functions exposed by "MonoApi" are "ExNativefunctions".
They have some more properties for easy use. See: frida-ex-nativefunction


Using helper

import { MonoApiHelper } from 'frida-mono-api'

MonoApiHelper.AssemblyForeach(assembly => console.log(assembly))

Using api

import { MonoApi } from 'frida-mono-api'

const domain = MonoApi.mono_domain_get()