fd-dictionaries copied to clipboard
Bokmålsordboka and nynorskordboka will be CC-BY 4.0 after December 23rd 2023
The license for https://ordbokene.no/ at https://www.uib.no/ub/fagressurser/spesialsamlingene/142334/lisens-bokm%C3%A5lsordboka-og-nynorskordboka says
Denne lisensen gjelder i perioden 3. februar 2021 til 23. desember 2023. Etter dette gjelder CC-BY 4.0.
("this license is in effect until December 23rd 2023, after that CC-BY 4.0 takes effect"; the current license is almost CC-BY, but prohibits printed versions.)
So at that point the whole of these dictionaries (with word-definitions) could potentially be published in freedict :-)
Currently open api at https://ord.uib.no/ord_2_API.html (just disconnect your printer before searching I guess =P). I don't know if they'll release a data dump or we have to q=%s
it ourselves
Nice news. However, I am afraid we lack the manpower for this, at the moment.