Fred Zhang
Fred Zhang
Will wait after code freeze~
Got the CLI PR merged. Mind a stamp here?
@hsubox76 Mind a stamp? Thanks~
@hsubox76 This PR has been sitting here for a while. It's pretty trivial, just updating the RTDB emulator version used in tests. Can we get this in?
Let me try to explain why this happens. `clearData` is nothing more than a commit that deletes all database data. From the repro steps: 1. `firebase emulators:start --only firestore --project...
We have an issue with glusterfs This is fixed in 3.12.5, but right now kismatic is still using 3.8, which is causing an issue.
Yeah, this is exactly the same issue I had. It would be great if this could be resolved.
+1 What is the progress on this? I would also love to see this feature.
@hsubox76 Mind taking a look and submit this? Thanks! We have another emulator release now.
The stacktrace is in RTDB emulator. `GCFEmulatorPublisher` is the client connecting to functions emulator and try to publish any events. It's throwing the exception because the connection to function emulator...