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🔌Curated collection of useful C Programming tutorials, snippets, and projects that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.


30 Seconds of C

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🔌Your plug to a curated collection of useful C Programming tutorials, snippets, and projects that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.

P.S: This repository is a work in progress

Getting Started

  • Use Ctrl + F or command + F to search for a snippet.
  • Contributions welcome, please read the contribution guide.

Motivation for this project The core goal of 30 seconds of C is to provide a public record of my journey to learn c programming. It's my goal to provide a quality resource for both beginners and advanced c progammers/developers. My initial motivation for creating this repository was to use it as a tool to document my journey at the 42 Silicon Valley - an engineering and programming. The contents of this repo are designed to help you write real time C programs on your own.

Table of Contents

📃Basic Data Types

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  • char

Floating Point

  • float
  • Double

Enumeration Data Type

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📚Derived Data Type

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🎛️Void Data Type

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Exam Shell

Purpose: This repo provides useful tips to understand how to achieve 100% at 42 Silicon Valley exams. A great developer like you 😎, however, should not just memorize the answers.


Create a program that takes a string, and displays the first 'a' character it encounters in it, followed by a newline. If there are no 'a' characters in the string, the program just writes a newline. If the number of parameters is not 1, the program displays 'a' followed by a newline.

$> ./aff_a "abc" | cat -e
$> ./aff_a "dubO a POIL" | cat -e
$> ./aff_a "zz sent le poney" | cat -e
$> ./aff_a | cat -e
#include <unistd.h>

int	main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc != 2)
		write(1, "a", 1);
		while (*argv[1])
			if (*argv[1] == 'a')
				write(1, "a", 1);
	write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);

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Write a program that displays all digits in descending order, followed by a newline.

$> ./ft_countdown | cat -e
#include <unistd.h>

int	main(void)
	char c;
	c = '9';
	while (c >= '0')
		write(1, &c, 1);
	write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);

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Write a function that displays all digits in ascending order.

Your function must be declared as follows:

void ft_print_numbers(void);

#include <unistd.h>

int	main(void)
	char c;

	c = '0';
	while (c <= '9')
		write(1, &c,1);
	write(1, "\n", 1);
	return (0);

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Additional Learning Resources

If you are new to C Programming, try taking a look at some of these references.


  • ANSI 89 – American National Standards Institute, American National Standard for Information Systems Programming Language C, 1989.
  • Kernighan 78 – B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1978. Second edition, 1988.
  • Thinking 90 – C* Programming Guide, Thinking Machines Corp. Cambridge Mass., 1990.
  • Head First C - A complete learning experience for C and structured imperative programming.


Online Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Inspiration for this project

The idea behind 30 Seconds of C was inspired some people who created similar collections in other programming languages and environments. Here are the ones we like the most:

How to Contribute

Do you have a cool idea for a new snippet, or want to add your own tips? Checkout contributing.md.


Fred Siika

Grace Nelore


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This site was built using GitHub Pages.

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