Fredrik Ekre

Results 134 issues of Fredrik Ekre

I had a student who installed Julia on Windows using the official installer yet julia-vscode couldn't find the binary, because Julia version 1.7.3 is not in this list: Instead...


From > > This confused me for a second: > > ``` julia > julia> plan_ifft!(rand(10)) > ERROR: MethodError: `plan_bfft!` has no method matching plan_bfft!(::Array{Float64,1}, ::UnitRange{Int64}) > Closest candidates...

Probably an issue in SymbolServer or StaticLint, but e.g. in ``` import Example hello("foo") # Missing reference hello ``` this can't be fixed because Example isn't in In contrast,...


LS.jl crashed with this stacktrace: ``` ERROR: Tried to set a text with an embedded NULL as the document content. Stacktrace: [1] applytextdocumentchanges(doc::LanguageServer.Document, tdcce::LanguageServer.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent) [2] textDocument_didChange_notification(params::LanguageServer.DidChangeTextDocumentParams, server::LanguageServerInstance, conn::JSONRPC.JSONRPCEndpoint{Base.PipeEndpoint, Base.PipeEndpoint}) [3]...


For example, in the root of the `Example.jl` repo when editiing a file `foo.jl` `using Example` gives "`Missing reference"` and same with functions defined within `Example`.


Doesn't play nicely with #435 though...

This allows functions for Dirichlet boundary conditions to accept a third argument with parameters that are not available when defining the constraint (e.g. data that are computed/updated/changed during the simulation)....

We can probably use for testing VTK output instead of the SHA1 hashing strategy.

help wanted
good first issue