flow-validator copied to clipboard
object validation with flow types and more
Object validation with proper flow types and more.
npm install flow-validator
import { arrayOf, string, number, object, instanceOf, Type, Vobject, asyncArrayOf, tuple, takes, match } from 'flow-validator';
import { express } from 'flow-validator/express';
describe("readme code", () => {
it("works", () => {
// { name: string, age: ?number, toys: Array<string> }
const Person = object({
name: string,
age: number.optional(),
toys: arrayOf(string)
const fred = Person.parse({
name: "Fred",
age: 89,
toys: ["teddy bear", "shotgun"]
console.log(fred); // eslint-disable-line no-console
// Array<string> validated asynchronously
const InventoryObjects = asyncArrayOf(
const shoppingCart = InventoryObjects.parse(["AK47", "stuffed bunny"]);
shoppingCart.then(items => console.log(items)); // eslint-disable-line no-console
async function checkInventory(item: string, error): Promise<string> {
if (~["AK47", "stuffed bunny"].indexOf(item)) return item;
return Promise.reject(error("no supplies"));
// pattern matching -- MORE WORK NEEDED
// const x = match(1,
// number, n => new Date(n*2),
// Person, ({ name }) => [name, name]
// );
// (x: Date);
// express middleware example
const middleware = express.middleware(
object({ headers: object({ "my-custom-header": string }) }),
(req, res, next) => next()
// express endpoint matching middleware (inspired to Spring RequestMapping)
const requestMap1 = express.requestMapping(
object({ body: Person }),
(req, res) => res.json(req.body.age)
const requestMap2 = express.requestMapping(
object({ body: object({ username: string, password: string }) }),
(req, res) => {
/* authenticate */
// app.use('/user', requestMap1);
// app.use('/user', requestMap2);
const Contact = object({
name: string,
birth: string.toDate(),
email: string.isEmail().optional()
// eslint-disable-line no-console
name: "fred",
birth: String(new Date()),
email: "[email protected]"
// ensure functions params, useful on user input functions
const signUpUser = takes(string.isEmail(), number)(
(email, secretCoupon) =>
`user ${email} added with coupon: ${secretCoupon}`
signUpUser("[email protected]", 666);
// Don't Repeat Yourself
// you can use a type of a defined schema, instead of
// var yogi: { name: string, age: ?number, toys: Array<string> }
var yogi: typeof Person.type;
// runtime introspection
const Name: Type<string> = Person.schema.name;
const Age: Type<?number> = Person.schema.age;
// const tup: [string, number, Date] = ...
const tup = tuple([string, number, instanceOf(Date)]).parse([
new Date()
// { a: string, b: number, c: Array<string | number | Date>, d: string, e: Date }
const Schema = object({
a: string,
b: number.optional(),
c: arrayOf(string.or(number).or(instanceOf(Date))),
d: string
.refine((s, error) => {
// refinements must return the same type
if (/el/.test(s)) return s;
throw error(String(/el/)); // this throws proper error
.revalidate(), // add a revalidate if want to be sure not changed type during refinement
e: string.to(s => new Date(s)) // with .to() you can convert types
const toBeValidated = {
a: "hi",
c: [1, new Date(), "2017"],
d: "hello",
e: "Mon Feb 27 2017 10:00:15 GMT-0800 (PST)"
// validate input object, returns original object if valid, throws otherwise
// VType object has .validate() method that returns original object
// arrayOf, tuple, mapping, object, objectExact ha V prefixed variants,
// and can't contain validators that change input
Vobject({ a: string }).validate({ a: "hello" }) === toBeValidated; // = true
// same as validate, but it make a copy in case of: arrayOf, tuple, mapping, object, objectExact
// it can be used when using refinemnts that return not the original value
// and with .to() for conversions
Schema.parse(toBeValidated) === toBeValidated; // = false
// deepEqual(Schema.parse(toBeValidated), toBeValidated); // = true
// shortcuts
Vobject({ a: string }).isValid({ a: "hello" }); // : boolean
Vobject({ a: string }).validateResult({ a: "hello" }); // : { value: ... } | { error: ... }
Schema.parseResult(toBeValidated); // : { value: ... } | { error: ... }
// you can chain validators, to reuse them or check if your custom type converter works
string.to(s => new Date(s)).chain(instanceOf(Date));
// to get JSON serializable error report
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log(e.toJSON()); // eslint-disable-line no-console
// sometimes flow will not remember types, ex:
object({ x: number.to(n => new Date(n)) }).parse({ x: 4 }); // unknown type
// solution
const x2: Type<Date> = number.to(n => new Date(n));
object({ x2 }).parse({ x2: 4 }); // : { x: Date }
// type-safe composition
const str2num = (s: string) => Number(s);
const div = (n: number) => n / 2;
const num2str = (n: number) => String(n);
const str2arr = (s: string) => s.split("1");
const nonSense = string
nonSense.parseResult("1234567890"); // : Array<string>
// you can convert sync type to async one
if you do not want import the entire library, you can find single validators in
import { object } from 'flow-validator/sync/object';
import { asyncArrayOf } from 'flow-validator/async/asyncArrayOf';
Implemented types / combinators
Type | Flow syntax | Runtime type |
string | string |
string |
number | number |
number |
boolean | boolean |
boolean |
generic object | Object |
objectType |
generic function | Function |
Function |
instance of C |
C |
instanceOf(C) |
class of C |
Class<C> |
classOf(C) |
array | Array<A> |
arrayOf(A) |
intersection | A & B |
intersection(A, B) |
union | `A | B` |
literal | 's' |
literal('s') |
optional | ?A |
optional(A) |
map | { [key: A]: B } |
mapping(A, B) |
refinement | ✘ | number.refine(n => { if (n > 10) return n; throw new Error(); }) |
object | { name: string } |
object({ name: string }) |
exact object | `{ | name: string |
null | null |
isNull |
undefined | void |
isUndefined |
not checked | any |
isAny |
all types | mixed |
isMixed |
function | (a: A) => B |
takes(A)(returns(B)(...)) |
Included refinements
Type | Refinements | Transformations |
string | .isEmail() .isValidDate() .minLength() .maxLength() .regexp() |
.toDate() |
Technical documentation
for older versions:
git clone https://github.com/freddi301/flow-validator.git
cd flow-validator
npm run doc:serve
Feature Requests Wanted
(open issue, include examples or links)
flow-io (checkout io-ts too for typescript)
Other Alternatives - not flow typed
Planned Features
- [ ] 0.7.0
- [ ] include https://github.com/hapijs/joi/blob/master/API.md features see TODO.md
- [ ] extend()
- [ ] typescript support
- [ ] 0.8.0
- [ ] generate documentation from types (md, html, jsonschema, blueprint, mson, graphql-schema)
- [ ] generate flow-validator validators from flow annotations, jsonschema and graphql-schema (cli, runtime, compiletime, startuptime)
- [ ] json schema validation
- [ ] 0.9.0
- [ ] refactor validators to contain metadata
- [ ] refactor errors to contain metadata
- [ ] write visitors for validators and errors
- [ ] write default interpreters for errors json and optionally localized text
- [ ] 1.0.0
- [ ] test 100%
- [ ] doc examples for all validators
- [ ] better flow coverage where possible
- [ ] readme += new type example
- [ ] 2.0.0
- [ ] doc 100%
- [ ] performance comparison (compete with https://github.com/ebdrup/json-schema-benchmark)
- [ ] optimize, use lodash, cache optional() singleton and frequently used types
- [ ] readme += alternate use: json graphql alternative
- [ ] rewrite match
- [ ] Vmatch asyncMatch asyncVmatch
- [ ] overloading
- [ ] monad do notation using row polymorphism
- [ ] auto row currying (aka builder)
- [ ] literal values
- move documentation to surge.sh