This would be great! Similar interface to MediaPipeline except instead of S3 it could be IVS. What is the ETA on this feature?
@steveRW yeah, options would be great. Speaker or all view.
Hi @t49tran in my app.tsx ``` ``` Then we have inputs for uploading files in another component ``` const UploadPostButton = ({ postDraft, saveDraft }) => { const fileUpload =...
@zwu52 Which version are you using?
> The [FCM quick start app]( runs background notifications successfully for me on Safari 16.2 with macOS Ventura. macOS 13 Ventura (released Oct 2022) is the minimum requirement according to...
Unfortunately it does not work on iOS 16.4 beta `Unhandled Promise Rejection: FirebaseError: Messaging: This browser doesn't support the API's required to use the Firebase SDK. (messaging/unsupported-browser).`
Hi @andreififiita , both are running the latest (9.18.0)
This keeps happening to users. This is the extent of our code. Why would the device stop sending pushes? ``` messaging.onBackgroundMessage((payload) => { const {data} = payload; const notificationTitle =...
> Could this be related to this? > > Not sure if the onBackgroundMessage message takes care of the waitUntil I suspect the issue is iOS thinks this is...
> Alright that is indeed the issue, I just ran a bunch of test and I replace the onBackgroundMessage with this in my service worker: > > ``self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {...