Fredrik Adelöw
Fredrik Adelöw
Uh, I am not sure. @Rugvip @benjdlambert @jhaals any input on that? Gut feeling says that the catalog API, for one, is a thing of its own and should go...
Regarding the linked ticket about refs, input is welcome. I have run into annoying situations where `ajv` and other consumers treat refs in (sometimes subtly) different ways. Some like paths,...
The main use case I had in mind was - As an engineer at our company, I want to make an integration with the Backstage catalog from other non-Backstage services...
Noting that we now have backstage roles in package.json - this work should be easier now.
Indeed it is very highly desirable to lazy load components like these!
Alright, thanks for suggesting this. Would you mind toying with the idea of a counter proposal? I think part of the problem here might be that the iconography is just...
Took the liberty of rebasing this one
@tonedef Just a gentle ping!
(i made a rebase, fyi - sorry about that, I accidentally pushed the wrong branch - remember to pull again before continuing working)
I see that DCO is complaining. A hint - merging master into your own branch is usually way harder to get to working, rather than using rebase instead. Any breakage...