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📦 Provides support of ENUM type for Doctrine in Symfony applications.

Results 16 DoctrineEnumBundle issues
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When upgrading bundle (v8.1.2 -> v9.0.0) I had to change configuration in doctrine.yaml. Before: ``` doctrine: dbal: types: BasketballPositionType: App\DBAL\Types\BasketballPositionType ``` This produced error: `Unknown type BasketballPositionType` What finally worked...


Hi, I use this bundle and I think I found a bug I use symfony 2.7 with DoctrineEnumBundle. When modifying an existing field in a table to add an enum...


Hello! I'm trying the new addition command to drop comments mentioned here: However, it doesn't look like the SQL generated is valid for MySQL (I'm using 5.7 but I...


Hi! Suppose I add or remove an option from my enum. When creating a doctrine migration, this change is not included in the migration. Do I have to do this...

I am using Symfony 3.2 and a mysql database. I have the following problem everytime I run `console doctrine:migrations:diff`. The output always regenerates the enum field (and the teardown always...


I have an error when trying to set a value in my entity which is not part of my enum. In my entity, I set a validation constraint to ensure...


I did this in a project based on the **findOccurences()** function of the **ReadableEnumValueTwigExtension** class, but I don't know if I would have time to make a contribution. []( Thank...

feature request

Hi there I have tested this bundle with an installation of a Postgresql 9.6 (current) database. In the` \Fresh\DoctrineEnumBundle\DBAL\Types\AbstractEnumType::getSqlDeclaration()` function the bundle has a special return format for Postgresql: ```...


Symfony Workflow component appeared in version 3.2. It is the implementation of the state machine. As ENUM fields in database often used for keeping some readable statuses, so it would...

feature request

Right now it is required to register custom enum types in the doctrine dbal configuration. What about autoregistering all classes which extend AbstractEnumType and are placed in `App\DBAL\Types` Also add...

feature request