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🚢📦Dockerized SabNZB + Sonarr + Radarr + Plex + Telegram control bots


My dockerized NAS / Mediamachine consisting of SabNZBd, Sonarr, Radarr, Plex, Ombi, Bazarr as well as Telegram Bots to control the services.


  1. Make sure you've installed all requirements
  2. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Create a copy of the sample .env file and adjust it at will:
cp .env.sample .env
  1. Create symlink for media storage on the host system:
ln -sf /raid/media ./data/media
mkdir ./data/media/tv
mkdir ./data/media/movies

(Assuming /raid/media is the location where you want to keep and store your media files)

  1. Spin up the containers:
docker-compose up -d


You can make use of the following environment variables / configurations:

Environment variable Default value Description
SONARR_IMAGEVERSION amd64-latest Image version of Sonarr container
SONARR_PORT 8989 Port to bind Sonarr on the host system
SONARR_PUID 501 UID of Sonarr user (should be match with the host one)
SONARR_PGID 501 GID of Sonarr user (should be match with the host one)
SONARR_TZ Europe/Berlin Timezone within container
Environment variable Default value Description
RADARR_IMAGEVERSION amd64-latest Image version of Radarr container
RADARR_PORT 7878 Port to bind Radarr on the host system
RADARR_PUID 501 UID of Radarr user (should be match with the host one)
RADARR_PGID 501 GID of Radarr user (should be match with the host one)
RADARR_TZ Europe/Berlin Timezone within container
Environment variable Default value Description
SABNZBD_IMAGEVERSION amd64-latest Image version of SabNZBd container
SABNZBD_PORT 8080 Port to bind SabNZBd on the host system
SABNZBD_PUID 501 UID of SabNZBd user (should be match with the host one)
SABNZBD_PGID 501 GID of SabNZBd user (should be match with the host one)
SABNZBD_TZ Europe/Berlin Timezone within container
Environment variable Default value Description
OMBI_IMAGEVERSION amd64-latest Image version of Ombi container
OMBI_PORT 3579 Port to bind Ombi on the host system
OMBI_PUID 501 UID of Ombi user (should be match with the host one)
OMBI_PGID 501 GID of Ombi user (should be match with the host one)
OMBI_TZ Europe/Berlin Timezone within container
Environment variable Default value Description
BAZARR_IMAGEVERSION amd64-latest Image version of Bazarr container
BAZARR_PORT 6767 Port to bind Bazarr on the host system
BAZARR_PUID 501 UID of Bazarr user (should be match with the host one)
BAZARR_PGID 501 GID of Bazarr user (should be match with the host one)
BAZARR_TZ Europe/Berlin Timezone within container
Environment variable Default value Description
OSCARR_IMAGEVERSION latest Image version of Oscarr container
OSCARR_PORT 5656 Port to bind Oscarr on the host system
OSCARR_PUID 501 UID of Oscarr user (should be match with the host one)
OSCARR_PGID 501 GID of Oscarr user (should be match with the host one)
OSCARR_TZ Europe/Berlin Timezone within container
Environment variable Default value Description
MUXIMUX_IMAGEVERSION amd64-latest Image version of Muximux container
MUXIMUX_PORT 80 Port to bind Muximux on the host system
MUXIMUX_PUID 501 UID of Muximux user (should be match with the host one)
MUXIMUX_PGID 501 GID of Muximux user (should be match with the host one)
MUXIMUX_TZ Europe/Berlin Timezone within container
Environment variable Default value Description
PLEX_IMAGEVERSION latest Image version of Plex container
PLEX_CLAIM XXX Plex claim code (
PLEX_PUID 501 UID of Plex user (should be match with the host one)
PLEX_PGID 501 GID of Plex user (should be match with the host one)
PLEX_ADVERTISE_IP Advertise IP for Plex
PLEX_TZ Europe/Berlin Timezone within container
Environment variable Default value Description
TAUTULLI_IMAGEVERSION amd64-latest Image version of Muximux container
TAUTULLI_PORT 8181 Port to bind Muximux on the host system
TAUTULLI_PUID 501 UID of Muximux user (should be match with the host one)
TAUTULLI_PGID 501 GID of Muximux user (should be match with the host one)
TAUTULLI_TZ Europe/Berlin Timezone within container
Environment variable Default value Description
RADARR_BOT_TELEGRAM_BOTTOKEN 123456789:HEkD9NpcxbKVxiulzPfCf9fqQoViMKEWZHl Telegram token
RADARR_BOT_BOT_PASSWORD password Bot control password
RADARR_BOT_BOT_OWNER 1234567 Telegram owner ID
RADARR_BOT_BOT_MAXRESULTS 15 Max results to list
RADARR_BOT_RADARR_APIKEY fN514qlUv6g4L9n7Is23xXHiXdKi90aq Radarr API key
RADARR_BOT_DEFAULTS_ROOTFOLDER /media/movies/ Default folder to use when adding new movies
RADARR_BOT_DEFAULTS_PROFILEID 4 Default profile ID when adding new movies
Environment variable Default value Description
SONARR_BOT_TELEGRAM_BOTTOKEN 123456789:hXgD8033Z5lUfSnnmyJxUp71gVJ1yrLFSOG Telegram token
SONARR_BOT_BOT_PASSWORD password Bot control password
SONARR_BOT_BOT_OWNER 1234567 Telegram owner ID
SONARR_BOT_BOT_MAXRESULTS 15 Max results to list
SONARR_BOT_SONARR_APIKEY ubNIceVUT6J1qgpyrwdrvluruGm0hmaP Sonarr API key



Start/create services

$ docker-compose up -d
Creating media_ombi_1       ... done
Creating media_plex_1       ... done
Creating media_radarr-bot_1 ... done
Creating media_radarr_1     ... done
Creating media_sabnzbd_1    ... done
Creating media_sonarr-bot_1 ... done
Creating media_sonarr_1     ... done

Stop services

$ docker-compose stop
Stopping media_ombi_1       ... done
Stopping media_plex_1       ... done
Stopping media_radarr-bot_1 ... done
Stopping media_radarr_1     ... done
Stopping media_sabnzbd_1    ... done
Stopping media_sonarr-bot_1 ... done
Stopping media_sonarr_1     ... done

Upgrade services

$ docker-compose stop
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose rm
$ docker-compose up -d

Check logs

$ docker-compose logs -f
$ docker-compose logs -f sabnzbd


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
  1. Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  1. Push to the branch:
git push origin feature/my-new-feature
  1. Submit a pull request

Requirements / Dependencies

  • Docker (incl. docker-compose)


