cordova-plugin-presentation copied to clipboard
Can't add plugin to cordova
Whenever I try to add the plugin to my project using one of the two methods below, nothing happens (no error and no plugin added).
cordova plugin add de.fhg.fokus.famium.presentation cordova plugin add
Any idea ?
Thanks for your help!
Hello @maximepriv, thanks for the message. Did you resolve it?
Dear all,
If I do cordova plugin add de.fhg.fokus.famium.presentation
, I get the following:
If I do directly pointing to the repo cordova plugin add
, I get the following:
Anyone can help with that? Many thanks!
Can you please give more details about Platform, OS Version, Cordova Version? did you tried to add the plugin in your App or in the Reference Hello World App
Maybe this help.
Download the zip and unzip it.
Install plugman.
npm install -g plugman
Go to the "fraunhoferfokus-cordova-plugin-presentation-439d62d" folder.
Create the package.json file for the plugin.
plugman createpackagejson "fraunhoferfokus-cordova-plugin-presentation-439d62d
Go to your app folder and do a cordova add plugin.
cordova plugin add "fraunhoferfokus-cordova-plugin-presentation-439d62d"
You can specify the repo url as
cordova plugin add --nofetch
This worked for me.
Go to the directory where the file is and execute the npm init command to generate the package.json file
I was struggling with the same issue as @maximepriv. This worked for me:
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-presentation
How to import this plugin as module ? Anyone !
- download the zip file with source and unzip it to a local folder
- the package.json is missing, you can just copy from somewhere and make the "id" correct.
- run command: cordova plugin add [path of the folder]
This works for me.