I have a paper requiring citations with a non-technical co-author I need to start today. As it currently stands, it's easier to ask them to write the paper using markdown...
Any progress on this?
I would love to see something like this as well. Here is another option: I would call this adding support for soundfonts. I could see one needing to include...
How would you suggest implementing WebAudioFont into Wad? Would you use it similar to Tuna or would it be more like an Oscillator?
Here is an interesting project that may be worth keeping an eye on: People are calling it VST plugins for the web.
There may be a great way of doing this. [JFXR]( allows you to produce sound effects in the browser and export them as a script file. It would be amazing...
I am at the point to where I need soundfonts. I am probably going to install surikov's library and try to get it to work with the Wad context. I...
Yes, I would love some typings for Wad.
This is great! I wish it would get merged into turf. How would you recommend I get the angle of this line from the external point? I need to get...
@RealJoshue108 I see a simple API that gives access to values needed for visual and audio positioning, but with no actual GL layer created. I think it would be ideal...