Michal Babej

Results 91 comments of Michal Babej

This is because the driver calls `cuCtxCreate` in the pocl device-initialization callback (`pocl_cuda_init`). There is only one CUDA context created per device, not one per OpenCl context. This seems the...

known and [documented](https://github.com/pocl/pocl/blob/master/doc/sphinx/source/conformance.rst): * the optional OpenGL / D3D / SPIR extensions are not supported This is unlikely to happen anytime soon unless someone contributes the code, as the TUT...

> Is this a potential issue? ... possibly. Someone has to go through the code and figure that out. At minimum, all functions related to context creation need to be...

I'm now hitting the same error when running ASL with pocl. The error comes from LLVM: ``` 266: error: /tmp/POCL_CACHE/tempfile_38wM6Z.cl:12:1681: cannot convert between vector values of different size ('float8' (vector...

Hello, This was _partially_ resolved in git master. There is now a script, which generates a "wrapper" with correctly mangled SPIR names, calling the pocl's kernel library functions. Partially resolved...

Since `clBuildProgram` can be called on multiple devices of the context, we need to call the hook for all devices, and fail the build if any device doesn't have the...

If you run `make VERBOSE=1` it should print the commands `make` is executing. In my case, for generating the spir_wrapper, it prints ``` cd /home/michal/0/build/b_pocl_noConform/lib/kernel/host && /usr/bin/python3.10 /home/michal/0/source/pocl/lib/kernel/SPIR/generate_spir_wrapper.py -g --opaque-pointers...

``` [ 1%] Building SLEEF to LLVM bitcode /Users/davidlaxer/pocl/build/lib/kernel/host/skylake/c_sleefsp.c.bc cd /Users/davidlaxer/pocl/build/lib/kernel/host && /usr/bin/clang --target=x86_64-apple-macosx13.0.0 ``` This one is wrong. It should invoke the LLVM_CONFIG's Clang compiler, not the system compiler...

> Why is it using ' /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/c++' and not 'clang++'? PoCL uses two (usually different) compilers: the "system" compiler (used to compile the runtime library), and Clang/LLVM used to compile...