the query behind `solved_by_me` and `solves` are unrelated, so removing one wouldn't affect another. If only I could persuade you to remove the solves field... solves count by challenge would...
another option is: ``` if (realpath(targetbin) == realpath(selfbin)) dont_overwrite(); elif(realpath(selfbin) != targetbin) ln -s targetbin selfbin; else warn_user(); ```
yes. the reason is that tailscale removes `/usr/local/bin/tailscaled` (line 109) before installing, while `os.Executable() == "/usr/local/bin/tailscaled"`, so `Open(os.Executable())` fails.
for anyone that ends up being here, a temporary workaround would be `sudo /usr/local/opt/tailscale/bin/tailscaled install-system-daemon` and you would have to `brew link --overwrite tailscale` on every `brew upgrade`
is this issue among the tailscale milestones?
是否可以支持ssl_server_name,取sni作server name呢?
所以这是个feature request嘛,未来可以支持么?
> 没有太明白,你直接https proxy有什么问题吗?还是你这个是SSL+TCP的协议,然后通过SNI来区分? 后者 我目前是自己写了个小玩具来做这个事,然而毕竟会需要多占一个端口,比较强迫症,不过也不是必须的功能,如果以后会写那当然更好,不实现的话即便对我个人而言也不是什么问题,所以,随意( 就,可以评估一下这玩意的通用性?看看对于大家而言算不算一个比较general的使用场景
this is WAY overdue. shame.
正确的做法是添加一个可信的代理列表,比如127.0.0.1,然后从后向前依次匹配,直到找到一个不可信的ip,取这个ip作为client ip 也可以直接指定代理的层数i,取for[-i]作为真实ip,werkzeug就是这么做的 个人觉得可以在wsSettings和httpSettings中添加类型为字符串列表的配置项trustedProxies