UtilityBelt copied to clipboard
An always-expanding collection of simple, focused plugins for Sketch.
★ Utility Belt
An always-expanding collection of small, simple, focused plugins for Sketch 45+.
Font →
List all Fonts
: displays an alert with the PostScript names of all the fonts used by the document. (Warning: if you’re using a lot of fonts the alert could get huge.)
Guide →
[Temporarily Disabled]
New Horizontal Guide at…
: prompts you for a location to create a horizontal guide. (An object or an artboard must be selected so the plugin knows where to place the guide.) -
[Temporarily Disabled]
New Vertical Guide at…
: prompts you for a location to create a vertical guide. (An object or an artboard must be selected so the plugin knows where to place the guide.) -
[Temporarily Disabled]
Selected Layer to Guides (Horizontal)
: draws horizontal guides along the top and bottom edges of the selected object(s). -
[Temporarily Disabled]
Selected Layer to Guides (Vertical)
: draws vertical guides along the left and right edges of the selected object(s). -
[Temporarily Disabled]
Selected Layer to Guides (Both)
: draws both horizontal and vertical guides along all four sides of the selected object(s). -
[Temporarily Disabled]
Selected Layer to Center Guide (Horizontal)
: draws a horizontal guide at the vertical center point of the selected object(s). -
[Temporarily Disabled]
Selected Layer to Center Guide (Vertical)
: draws a vertical guide at the horizontal center point of the selected object(s). -
[Temporarily Disabled]
Selected Layer to Center Guide (Both)
: draws a horizontal and vertical guide at center point of the selected object(s). -
[Temporarily Disabled]
Remove Guides from Selected Artboard
: removes all guides from the selected artboard
Image →
Image (Clipboard) to Layer Pattern Fill
: if an image is in the clipboard, it will be pasted as a pattern fill on to the currently selected layer(s) -
Image (URL) to Layer Pattern Fill
: prompts you for an image URL, which is downloaded and set as a pattern fill on to the currently selected layer(s)- [Be careful. There’s no error-checking in this yet, so be sure you’re pasting a URL to a bitmap image, otherwise Sketch will crash.]
Info →
[Temporarily Disabled]
Get Info on Selected Layers
: pops an alert box containing the cumulative x, y, width, and height of the selected layers.
Move →
Move Selected Layers to [x,y]
: prompts you for new x,y coordinates and moves the selected objects to those new coordinates, preserving each object’s relative position.
Select →
Select Layers by Name
: takes a user-inputted string and selects all artboards, layer groups, and/or layers that contain that string -
Select Layers by Font Name
: enter a font’s PostScript family name and this will select all text layers in the current page matching the inputted font (useFont → List all Fonts
to get a list of all document fonts.) -
[Temporarily Disabled]
Select Similar Color Border
: finds layers with a border color matching the currently selected layer -
[Temporarily Disabled]
Select Similar Color Fill
: finds layers with a fill color matching the currently selected layer
I’m Frank Kolodziej, a Wichita, KS-based freelance designer & developer. I am available for hire. I’m @frankko on Twitter.
Other Plugins
- Place Linked Bitmap: A plugin to place external bitmap files into Sketch and update Sketch layers after external bitmaps are updated
- Artboard Tools: Plugins for arranging artboards and navigating between artboards.