Hi a8193, can you tell me the pressure of the "heated" sensor? It looks like you still get data not only from one sensor.
Hi a8193, I am guessing that g001.. and g004 are two different sensors. Is it possible to get some data from only one sensor by removing the antenna of your...
Hi Lodewijk, great work. While you had a look at the data for pressure change, I had a look at the other data. It looks like the have the same...
Hi Lodewijk, one more question: For sensor 4, did you warm up the sensor with a hairdresser or something else? Br Frank
Hi Lodewijk, so for me it looks like the second data format that I was looking at might work. At least for the ID , Pressure and Temperature. It could...
I update the[ Bitbench]( and hope that this are the right values. CRC is missing and other possible values like moving yes/no
> > Hi Lodewijk, so for me it looks like the second data format that I was looking at might work. At least for the ID , Pressure and Temperature....
Hi Lodewijk, did you managed to test the decoder? Br. Frank
Hi, not sure if it works for your delta, but did you try the commands describe in ? Especially the command curl -X POST -d '{"action":"getTCPServer"}' http://ip-address of your...
That is strange as the unit must have a port open to communicate with the external server. Have you made a deep scan with nmap? nmap -Pn -sS -sV --version-all...