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Rebuild: Backend
Currently, the Flow Backend is a CRUD API for file management. It can ask the FF! where the configurations are located, so it doesn't need to be configured. This introduces some limitations, tho. This is only really available when a configuration is being used with the FileSystemClassLoader
The basics
- [ ] (Re)Connect to the FF! Management Gateway with Hazelcast
- [ ] Create an endpoint for information about the operation mode (Hazelcast or local) and health
Is the user allowed to do some things?
- [ ] Create a way to log in
- [ ] Authorize with the FF! Management Bus
- [ ] Endpoint for possible actions and endpoints
Configurations management
Create, Read, Update, Delete
- [ ] Create an interface for doing CRUD actions on a Configuration
- [ ] Implement interface for executing actions on local file system
- [ ] Implement interface for executing actions over the FF! Management Gateway (Dependent on FF!)